Modiwlau cwrs V10F | BA/HF
BA History [with Foundation Year]
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 0
Foundation Year
KAH-0002 Arts, Humanities & the future
(Semester 1)
KAH-0003 Intro to Research & Inquiry
(Semester 1)
KAH-0001 Essential Skills for Arts& Hum
(Semester 1)
KAH-0004 Foundation Project
(Semester 2)
HPS-0001 Debating the disciplines
(Semester 2)
Optional modules The student must take 20 credits from
the modules. The student must take between 1 and 2
CXC-0001 Ysgrifennu Hyderus
(Full Term)
QXL-0001 Intro to English Lit & Lang
(Semester 2)
LXN-1012 Beginners' Spanish
(Semester 2)
WXM-0002 Language of Music
(Semester 2)
LXE-0002 Transnational Cultures
(Semester 2)
LXN-1001 Beginners' German
(Semester 2)
LXN-1021 Beginners' French
(Semester 2)
UXS-0001 Digital Communication
(Semester 2)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1
Archaeology and Heritage
The student must take between 0
and 80 credits from the modules.
HXA-1005 Archaeological Principles&Tech
(Semester 1)
HXH-1005 Intro to History and Heritage
(Semester 1)
HXC-1013 Archeoleg Hanesyddol
(Semester 2)
HXA-1006 Intro. to British Prehistory
(Semester 2)
HXA-1008 Intro. to Historic Archaeology
(Semester 2)
History Modules The student must take a minimum of 40
credits from the modules.
HPS-1002 Principles of Politics
(Semester 1)
HXH-1012 Britain: Blitz to Brexit
(Semester 2)
Modern History Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh – students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules.
HXC-1004 Cyflwyniad Hanes Modern
(Semester 1)
HXH-1004 Intro Modern History1815-1914
(Semester 1)
Pre modern Welsh history
The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules.
HXC-1007 Cymru: Tywysogion i Duduriaid
(Semester 1)
HXW-1007 Wales: Princes to Tudors
(Semester 1)
modern welsh history The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules.
HXC-1006 Cymru yn y Byd Modern
(Semester 2)
HXW-1010 Wales in the Modern World
(Semester 2)
HXH-1011 Europe in the High Middle Ages
(Semester 2)
Early Modern
HXH-1002 The Six Lives of Henry VIII
(Semester 2)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 2
Compulsory module This 20-credit compulsory module is
available in EITHER English OR in Welsh – students may
choose their language of preference for studying this
HAC-2055 Crefft yr Hanesydd
(Semester 2)
HPS-2055 Making History
(Semester 2)
Optional Modules The student must take between 80 and 100
credits from the modules.
HGH-2138 Europe 1945-1992
(Semester 1)
HTH-2110 The Guardians of Heritage
(Semester 1)
HTA-2120 Rethinking Archaeology
(Semester 1)
HGH-2118 The United States, 1877-1945
(Semester 1)
HTW-2127 Wales, Renaissance & Europe
(Semester 2)
HTA-2124 Graffiti: Marking Space & Time
(Semester 2)
HTA-2125 Time and Tide
(Semester 2)
HTA-2126 Geoarchaeology
(Semester 2)
HTH-2230 Emperors, Shoguns, and Trading
(Semester 2)
HPS-2004 20th Century Ideas & Movements
(Semester 2)
HGH-2139 Norman Sicily
(Semester 2)
HGC-2007 Cenhedloedd Sbaen 20fed ganrif
(Semester 2)
HAC-2005 Lleoliad Gwaith - Semester 2
(Semester 2)
HPS-2005 Work Placement - Semester 2
(Semester 2)
Age of Reform Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh – students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HTC-2160 Oes Y Diwygiad : 1770-1835
(Semester 2)
HTH-2160 The Age of Reform 1770-1835
(Semester 2)
Owain Glyndŵr Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh – students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HTC-2123 Owain Glyndŵr a'i Fudiad
(Semester 1)
HTW-2123 Owain Glyndwr and his Movement
(Semester 1)
Edward I Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh – students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HGC-2161 Edward Goncwerwr
(Semester 2)
HGW-2161 Under the Hammer
(Semester 2)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 3
Modiwlau Gorfodol
Semester 1
- HPS-3006: Dissertation (40) Craidd neu
HAC-3006: Traethawd Hir (40) Craidd
Semester 2
20 credyd allan o:
- HSH-3142: Going to the Devil (20) (Semester 1)
- Students must also take ONE Special Subject from the above list
Modiwlau Opsiynol
40 - 60 credyd allan o:
- HPS-3001: Work Placement (20) (Semester 2) neu
HAC-3001: Lleoliad Gwaith (20) (Semester 2) - HTA-3126: Geoarchaeology (20) (Semester 2)
- Students must ensure that the requirement to take 2 general modules over Level 5 and 6 has been met.
0 - 20 credyd allan o:
- HPS-3003: Race democracy * pol ideology (20) (Semester 2)
- SXS-3003: Theorizing Society & Politics (20) (Semester 2) neu
SCS-3007: Theori Gymdeithasegol (20) (Semester 1) - SCS-3010: Hawliau Ieithyddol (20) (Semester 2)
- SXY-3021: Perspectives on Youth Crime (20) (Semester 1)
- SXS-3030: Globalisation & Social Change (20) (Semester 1)
- SXP-3210: Housing Policy (20) (Semester 1)
- VPR-3331: 20th Century Phil of Religion (20) (Semester 2) neu
VPC-3331: Athroniaeth Crefydd yr 20fed G (20) (Semester 2) - VPR-3400: Buddhism in the Modern World (20) (Semester 1)