Modiwl HPH-4007:
Documents and Sources - Modern
Documents and Sources for Modern Historians 2024-25
School Of History, Law And Social Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Marc Collinson
This module will introduce students to a variety of sources and documents essential in the research of modern history, ranging from visual evidence, newspapers and journals, novels, social surveys, personal sources (diaries and autobiographies) to oral history.
Introduction - Social surveys - Fiction - Studying popular culture - Visual sources - Diaries - Minutes and memoranda - Recipes and food - Letters - Newspapers
Assessment Strategy
The module will be assessed by one essay of c. 4,500 words. The essay must be footnoted and contain a bibliography of sources employed. It will be graded according to the learning outcomes identified below, together with the lucidity with which the question is answered. The answer should also be well-structured and in line with the stylistic guidelines of the School. Students are advised to write an essay plan and to book an appointment with the relevant member of staff well ahead of the submission deadline to discuss the plan. -threshold -(C/50 or above) will make an adequate attempt to answer the question and show some appreciation of primary sources and of the context in which they are placed, but will tend either to describe these sources or to provide an essay on context rather than integrating the two in a balanced way. -good -(B/60 or above) will appreciate the aims of the question, will make some attempt to answer it by showing an awareness of sources and their application and use relevant but limited examples. -excellent -(A/70 plus) will show full understanding of the question and of the complexities of the source material, will use examples pertinently and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the question. They may also show how existing secondary interpretations or popular perceptions have been influenced by approaches to source materials.
Learning Outcomes
- To demonstrate an appreciation of the means by which new research conclusions may develop from an original approach to source materials.
- To develop an appreciation of particular sources used by historians, and of the problems and opportunities arising from these source materials.
- To develop some critical awareness of the way that sources may be 'read' and of theoretical/historiographical debates between historians over these issues.
- To show an appreciation of their own abilities as information searchers and users, and the confidence to transfer these skills to their own research.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Essay 4500 words
Due date