Let us hear what you think!
‘Let us hear what you think’ is part of an on-going dialogue between the School and students as we try to continually improve what we do.
The School of Health Sciences values the contribution that staff and students alike make to a positive learning environment which is personally and professionally enriching. Consequently, we are keen to hear about any comments or concerns you might have, and how we can improve your experiences as a student. There are a number of ways that you can make yourself heard.
Module Teams
If you are struggling with any aspect of a module, or how it is organised, and have an idea about how things could be improved, do let the module team know.
Student Representatives
The student body elects student representatives each year. Their role is to contribute to represent the students’ voice in decision-making within the School by:
- advising different committees within the School
- contributing to the development of our strategy;
- co-designing our policies and procedures; and
- working with key staff on issues which are of general interest to the School.
Student Representatives and staff meet regularly to review key issues, but they only meet four times a year in a Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLiC).
School Leadership Team
If you have any general comments or concerns, the School is often able to resolve these quite quickly, without the need for them to be considered by the SSLiC. You can raise these directly with the School as follows:
- Directly to the School by email on HCScomments@bangor.ac.ukÌý
- Or if you would prefer, via your Student Representative. Their email contact details are displayed in both our Wrexham and ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É campuses. They will be able to forward your comments or concerns without mentioning your name if this would make things easier.
You can also contact the leadership team if you feel your comments or concerns are not being listened to. The School creates a log of all comments and concerns, but we do not keep a record of who makes them. This log will be reviewed by the SSLiC on a regular basis.
Please note
We recognise that studying for degrees that lead to professional registration is demanding in all sorts of ways. Your personal tutor will be a great source of support to you, and can signpost you to lots of resources that the University has on offer to help your eventual success in your degree programmes. Do speak to them at the earliest opportunity.
The University has a formal complaints procedure, which this document does not seek to replace. If you have raised a concern and you do not feel this has been addressed, then you are able to make a formal complaint.