ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É as a filming location
ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É boasts a varied estate in terms of buildings and architecture. From the iconic, neo-Gothic Main Arts building to the ultra-modern M-SParc Science Park and everything in between, such as towering Brutalist structures – it is little wonder that our locations have featured on both the small and the silver screen over the years.
Recent placements include:
- (S4C, BBC and international distributors) – a critically-acclaimed bilingual Welsh-English crime drama, filmed on location at the Main Arts building and at the University’s Dean Street buildings.
-  (S4C soap opera) – various buildings, including Main Arts building, Shankland Reading Room (library) and Halls of Residence.
- (Amazon Prime, 2019) – a 10-part series set in a dystopian future of brain implants and data harvesting. Interior and exterior scenes filmed at M-SParc.
- (2020) – Starring Robert Downey Jr and Rami Malek, scenes from this upcoming blockbuster were shot on location at the University playing fields, in addition to logistical space being provided on the University estate for production vehicles and equipment.
ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É is well placed to co-ordinate film and TV productions of all sizes and, in addition to the versatile nature of our stunning estate, we can also offer the following:
- Accommodation for film crews
- A pool of talented students to work as Supporting Artists, as interns or on work experience placements
- The specialisms of our School of Music and Media and potential for collaboration
Take a virtual tour of the University’s varied estate here.
For further information and to discuss filming requests, please contact the Press Office press@bangor.ac.uk