Through generous donations from alumni, the ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É Fund, is delighted to fund an Aquarium project within the School of Ocean Sciences that focuses on conservation and ecology. The project aims to highlight the School’s leading research in coral reef fish aquaculture and reef conservation and ecology, with particular emphasis on the recent Sustainable Aquarium Project a landmark of new research programme to improve aquarium breeding success.
In late 2024, staff and students worked together to install the aquarium in Marine Centre Wales. The aquarium houses fish and invertebrates produced by staff and students within the School’s aquaculture unit. The team of nine students and four staff members oversee the day-to-day maintenance of the aquarium and the gradual addition of fish and invertebrates. This project has provided an opportunity for student training and skills development in animal husbandry, aquaculture techniques and aquarium management. Furthermore, students have taken a leading role in developing species infographics giving the viewer an insight into the natural history of species on display.
The aquarium has created a focal point for staff, students, and visitors. It acts as a well-being tool, providing positive health effects, whilst encouraging learning and discussion between staff and our students about aquatic animals in the aquarium.