Our research specialties includeÌýEnergy, Environment and Bio-sensing (EEBG);ÌýMarine; Solar; Environmental sensing;ÌýBiosensing;ÌýNuclear Futures Institute.ÌýExpertise from these areas are incorporated into our teaching activities, giving students direct access to the latest Renewables research.
Energy, Environment and Bio-sensing (EEBG)
Research in EEBG focuses on developing new low carbon energy sources (solar, marine and nuclear) and sensingÌýof biological and environmental effects. The group develops Internet of Things (IoT) wireless sensor networks forÌýreal work problems such as monitoring the effects of climate change. ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É has seen success in the award of a number ofÌýmajor grants, including via the European Commission (e.g. H2020 funded SUMCASTECÌýprojectÌý(www.sumcastec.eu)), Welsh Government (e.g. SPARC II) and the UK government (e.g. the EPSRC CDT in NuclearÌýEnergy Futures. The group works closely with the School of Environmental and Natural Sciences in ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É and studentsÌýoften work on inter-disciplinary research activities and themes. Research collaborators in the UK include theÌýUniversity of Cambridge, Imperial College London, Cardiff, Swansea and Manchester Universities. The group alsoÌýhas international links in the USA, Israel, Spain, Germany, France, Brazil, China and Portugal. A number of ourÌýstudents have also participated in research exchanges to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. EEBGÌýcomprises of four laboratories and one institute: the solar, marine, biosensing, and environmental sensingÌýlaboratories, and the nuclear futures institute.ÌýÌý
Whilst new generations of PV technologies offer promises of lower energy production and possibilities toÌýintegrate into building integrated applications, or for energy harvesting such as for phone charging, the stabilityÌýremains a critical issue for commercialisation as they must survive for 20+ years outdoors, without maintenance. ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É uses material analysis techniques to study causes of failure and use acceleratedÌýtesting to predict stability in the future. To undertake such work, ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É has a suite of testingÌýequipment and reliability software dedicated for studying reliability and performance of solar cells.
ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É is a member of the SPARC II consortium, a £7m WEFO funded project to develop new themes inÌýsolar/photovoltaic (PV) energy research. ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É also works closely with UK industry, in particular inÌýthe area of concentrated PV (CPV). Funding from UKRI is being used to study how large concentrator optics canÌýbe used to focus light up to 1000 times onto a small semiconductor solar cell (typically less than 1 cm²).Ìý
We conduct a wide range of research activities in marine renewable energy, and are world leaders in specific areas:
- Wave/current interaction in resource assessment and characterization.
- The impacts of tidal energy conversion on sediment dynamics and morphodynamics.
- The opportunities and challenges associated with developing less energetic tidal energy resources.
We specialise in the engineering aspects of low carbon energy generation, theÌýEnergy Environment and Bio-sensing groupÌýfocuses on developing low carbon energy sources as well as sensors that help understand the biological and environmental effects of solar and marine energy production.
Our research excellence is evidenced by many peer-reviewed international journal publications, involvement in many European and UKRI research projects, and leadership in many international organizations and conferences that explore ocean renewable energy, such as the AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting and the EGU General Assembly.Ìý
We develop laboratory-on-chip technologies for diagnostics and biological cell treatment. Notably, ourÌýgroups pursue the integration of high frequency microelectronics (Bi-CMOS), microfluidics andÌýmicroimaging technologies onto a single chip. This is being appliedÌýtoÌýsortingÌýandÌýneutralization ofÌýcancer stems cells. The idea is to integrate the technology into electrosurgical probes for cancer andÌýregenerative medicine in collaboration with anÌýindustry leader in endoscopy surgery technology, such as CreoÌýMedical Ltd. ().
Environmental sensingÌýÌý
We are working on bespoke real-time sensors for the monitoring of pollution levels, environmentalÌýconditions and manufacturing processors. Our research group has introduced the world’s first self-sustainedÌýradio-tracking device that can be attached to a honey bee (). Such devices harness the wing power generated by honey and bumblebees,Ìýwhich can be converted into a suitable signal for detection by drones flying above the target insect. Researchers are also working with theÌýagritechÌýsector to develop solutions to support the integration of Internet ofÌýThings wireless sensor networks in smart hives, farms or greenhouses. Low Range Wide Area NetworkÌý(LoRaWAN) boards will be deployed in conjunction with self-powered Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)Ìýsensors to autonomously monitor temperature, light level, humidity, CO2, hive infrared imaging andÌývibroacoustic signals.ÌýÌýÌý
Nuclear Futures InstituteÌý
We are also home to the Nuclear Futures Institute. We have nuclear decommissioning and nuclear new-build projects on our doorstep, and an increasing number of businesses from the nuclear supply chain becoming active locally, we are focusingÌýon existing and emerging nuclear power generation technologies, includingÌýPressurisedÌýWater Reactors (PWR), (Advanced) Boiling Water Reactors ((A)BWR) and Small Modular Reactors (SMR). Our academics are helping to develop future generations of Boiling Water Reactor technology.Ìý
Nuclear expertise and academic capacity at ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É is expanding rapidly with the appointment of international research ‘stars’, plus their supporting research teams, funded by the Welsh Government’sÌýSêrÌýCymruÌýprogrammeÌýand the European Regional Development Fund.ÌýÌýÌý