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Senior Tutors may assume additional roles in some Schools/Departments that are linked to student support but are not defined in these guidelines as a Senior Tutor role (e.g. Examinations Officer). Staff assuming the role of Senior Tutor should therefore consult these guidelines but should also consider other specific responsibilities assigned to Senior Tutors in their School/Department. It is expected that Senior Tutors will: 1. Coordinate the allocation of tutees to tutors and allocate replacement tutors on a temporary or permanent basis if required. 2. Ensure that mechanisms exist to enter and update the tutor’s identity in the student’s record. 3. Ensure that Joint Honours students are allocated an appropriate tutor. 4. Develop and monitor systems to ensure that students’ personal circumstances, where relevant and with the student’s consent, are made known to Departmental Examination Boards including those responsible for joint degrees. The Tutor/Tutee report forms available via Banner would normally be a part of such systems. 5. Monitor the ratio of tutees to tutors to ensure equitable distribution of responsibilities amongst staff designated as tutors within a School/Department. 6. Ensure that tutors are made aware of the operation of the Personal Tutor Scheme within the School/Department. This will include liaison with Student Services to ensure that tutors are provided with relevant documentation and details of the support services available to students. 7. Liaise with Student Services to ensure that potential staff development needs in relation to student support and welfare are identified. 8. Attend meetings of the Senior Tutor Group. 9. Ensure that the operation of the Personal Tutor Scheme within the School/Department is clearly defined and that there are mechanisms to ensure that the quality of the Scheme is reviewed on a regular basis. 10. Inform tutors of relevant information related to student support and welfare that may be directed to the Senior Tutor. Ensure that details of the Personal Tutor Scheme are published in Departmental Handbooks. Ensure that there are mechanisms to inform tutors about students who require specific consideration. 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