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Two cars, initially separated from each other by a distance of 700m approach each other on a collision course. One car travels at 35 m.s-1, the other at 25 m.s-1. By plotting a distance/time graph find the position at which the collision takes place. How long after the cars start does the collision happen? 5. Explain the concept of terminal velocity of a falling body. How can the concept be used to explain how a parachute is useful? 6. Describe, at a molecular level, the main features of the force/extension graph of a glass rod. 7. Describe an experiment which demonstrates the interference of two light sources. 8. Describe the concept of total internal reflection, and explain how the phenomenon is used in optical fibre communications. Give one advantage of optical communications systems over electrical communications systems. 9. State the meaning of each symbol in the equation I = nAve for free electrons in a conductor. Derive the equation, showing clearly the steps in your derivation. 10. What is the total resistance of the following network of resistors?  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  11. Consider the series connection of a resistor of resistance R and a capacitor of capacitance C. By means of a phasor diagram, find the phase difference between the applied voltage and the voltage appearing across the capacitor if R = 100 ohm and C = 10 mF and the input voltage is of frequency 60 Hz. 12. Given that the resistance of a 50cm length of Nichrome wire of diameter 0.55 mm is 2.30ohm, find the resistivity of Nichrome. 13. Describe how neutron emission during nuclear fission can lead to a chai!"#GHIJK  ! 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