ࡱ>  "c k)bjbjZWZW 8,8=`\8=`\A  TTTTThhhh<hr(.xxxxSSS'''''''$)V,^'ETSSSSS'TTxx,(999SpTxTx'9S'99r$T%xpQ<Ίd9%'B(0r(G%,',%,T%SS9SSSSS''fSSSr(SSSS,SSSSSSSSS > : Arholiadau Ysgoloriaeth Ionawr 2018 Scholarship Examinations January 2018 Amser a ganiateir : 2 awr MATHEMATEG Time allowed: 2 hours MATHEMATICS You may attempt any of the questions. Credit will be given for complete answers. [Assume g = 10 m.s-2] 1. The sum of the first 3 terms of an arithmetic series is 45 and the sum of the first 5 terms is 105. Find the sum of the first 6 terms. 2. Find all the solutions to the equation  EMBED Equation.3  3. Evaluate the definite integral  EMBED Equation.3  4. Find the equation of the tangent to the circle  EMBED Equation.3  at the point (3, 8), and the normal to the circle from the point (10, 1). 5. Express  EMBED Equation.3  in partial fractions. 6. Expand  EMBED Equation.3  in ascending powers of x, up to the term in x3. For what values of x is the expansion valid? Find an approximation to the square root of 1.05 using the first two terms of the expansion. How accurate is your approximation? 7. Rearrange the expression  EMBED Equation.3  to yield an expression for x. Hence solve  EMBED Equation.3  8. The vertices A, B, C of a triangle have position vectors a, b, c. Point X lies on the line AB such that AX : XB = 1 : 2. Write an expression for the position vector of X in terms of a, b, c. Find, in terms of a, b, c, the position vector of point P which divides XC in the ratio XP : PC = l : 1 - l 9. A body of mass 12 kg is suspended from a light string. The string is looped over a frictionless pulley and the other end attached to a 10 kg mass on a frictionless plane inclined at 60 degrees to the horizontal. If the two masses are initially at rest, in which direction will the masses begin to move? How long will it take the 10 kg mass to move 2cm? 10. Solve the differential equation  EMBED Equation.3  with initial condition  EMBED Equation.3 . 11. The continuous random variable X has probability density function f defined by  EMBED Equation.3  Find the parameter l, and the mean and standard deviation of f. Sketch the probability density function and indicate on your sketch the mean and standard deviation. 12. Three balls are chosen at random from a box containing 5 red balls, and 6 blue balls. Find the probabilit!"#GHIJKdeo  6 8 R S ] ` | } ȿ|u h$h-qh 0 h$hr h$hh h$h' h$hM"h$h]"H*h$h]"H*h)h$h]"6 h$h]"h$h]"CJh$h'6h$hq"6 h$hW5 h$hhs=hVx h$hq"h$hq"mHRsHR*$JKp   5 M gd>gd gd $a$gdgd$a$gdhgdhgdq"$a$gd90`gdq"gdVx     5 6 I J K L \ ] _ ` Ġ̎rea]aV h$h>h6hC jNh$h6EHU!j*P h6CJUVnH tH jh$hU h$hh$hOGOJQJh$hhOJQJjhs=EHUjԋ^ hs=UVhs=jhs=U h$hhjhth 0EHU%j K h 0CJUV_H nH tH h 0jh 0U ' U + 8 P Q  m n pq$a$gd38gd38$a$gdMMgd gdbq$a$gd_$a$gd>gd]"   # $ % ; < V s y  ¾ʖʖʖʾʾʁzoz['jV)I h$hMMCJUVmH sH jh$hMMU h$hMM h$hbqhKdh$h_6H*h$h_6j h_h 0EHU%j K h 0CJUV_H nH tH h 0jh 0U h$h_ h$h>jhs=EHUj^ hs=UVhs=jhs=U h$hH ( ) 8 9 L M N O Q R U b c e f h i     ' ( * + - / M N ] _ m p s u Ǻ೫hs=hEh$h3856h$h386 h$h38jih 0hs=EHU!jT^ hs=CJUVnH tH h$hMM6 h$hMMjh$hMMUj) h$hNEHU<:>L*.WYjkou&'˯ˌxqjbjbh$h:h6 h$h:h h$hx9 h$h5)j9h$h)EHU+j/:Z h$h)CJUV_H nH tH jh$h$EHU!jW P h$CJUVnH tH jh$h\wU h$h\wh h)hs= h$h  h$hMM h$h38h$h386OJQJ&q3J$&(F(r(s((j)k)gdsgd1$a$gd} 0gd]"gd5)$a$gd\wgd\w'234FGHITVXj".<(((!(%(q(r(w({((((((((((((((( h$hNh)hXuU h$hsh1 h$h h$h$?h$ h$hqr;h$h:h6h$h:h6OJQJj+hs=EHUj^ hs=UVhs=jhs=U h$hx9 h$h:h5y that a) two red balls and one blue ball are chosen (in some order) b) all three balls will be the same colour 13. The masses of Christmas cakes from a cake factory are normally distributed, with mean 1.1kg and standard deviation 0.02kg. Calculate the probability that the mass of a cake sampled at random from the factory is between 1.08kg and 1.14kg. (((((())I)J)U)W)X)Y)Z)\)a)c)d)e)f)h)i)j)k)h:hh$?OJQJh$?h) h$hqr;h1h h$h h$h$?hXu h$hNhs=6P&P . 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