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(b) Trafodwch y math o wybodaeth sydd ei angen ei gynnwys o fewn manyleb ddylunio llwyddiannus. Generating a suitable and detailed Design Specification is an essential part of any design process and product development. Explain how a detailed specification will assist the designing process; Discuss which type of information is needed within a successful design specification. 2. Gan gyfeirio at gynnyrch penodol, disgrifiwch sut y mae gwelliannau cynyddol wedi cael effaith gadarnhaol ar ei gylchred bywyd. With reference to a specific product, describe how incremental improvements have had a positive impact on its lifecycle. 3. Eglurwch beth yw pwrpas Eiddo Deallusol, a disgrifiwch ddwy ffurf o Eiddo Deallusol a allai fod wedi eu defnyddio ar gynnyrch penodol a enwir gennych. Explain the purpose of Intellectual Property, and describe two forms of Intellectual Property that could have been used on a specific named product. Adran B / Section B 1. Mae dylunwyr, stiwdios dylunio a mudiadau dylunio modern yn cael dylanwad mawr ar dueddiadau ac arddulliau cynhyrchion ac ar eu harloesi (innovation). Disgrifiwch sut mae dylunydd neu stiwdio ddylunio neilltuol sy'n gyfarwydd i chi wedi dylanwadu ar dueddiadau ac arddulliau cynhyrchion. Modern designers, design studios or design movements have a powerful influence on the trends, styles and innovation of new products. Describe how a particular designer or design studio that you are familiar with has influenced trends and styles of products. 2. Mae Dylunio yn golygu llawer mwy na gwneud i gynnyrch edrych yn dda. Trafodwch beth yw eich dehongliad o Dylunio da; defnyddiwch enghreifftiau i atgyfnerthu a chyfiawnhau eich safbwynt. Design is much more than styling a product in order for it to look good. Discuss what your interpretation is of good design; use examples to illustrate and explain your viewpoint. %&'./DGOUVWXef   = F o p 񧙧{{{{{{{{h4]h{6OJQJ]^Jh4]h$OJQJ]^Jh4]h{OJQJ]^Jh4]h{5OJQJ]^Jh4]h{56OJQJ^Jhj56OJQJ]^J!h4]h{56OJQJ]^Jhj5OJQJ^Jh4]h{5OJQJ^J0/VWefo p w x y !$$d&d-DM NPa$gd0$a$gd{$a$gd0  J O w x y A % ķyl_REEEh|186OJQJ]^Jh4]hnWYOJQJ^Jh4]h0OJQJ^Jh4]h|18OJQJ^Jh"OJQJ^Jh|18OJQJ^Jh4]h"OJQJ^Jh4]h"5OJQJ\^Jh4]h$OJQJ^Jh4]huOJQJ^Jh4]h{5OJQJ^Jh4]h{OJQJ^J!h4]h{56OJQJ]^Jh4]h{6OJQJ]^J A % ' o L M 7$8$H$^gd5 7$8$H$`gd5 07$8$H$`0gd5 7$8$H$gd0 & F7$8$H$gd|18 7$8$H$^gd|18 7$8$H$gd"07$8$H$^`0gd|18% & ' o   8 9 L M ɼɛyeNee>h4]h55OJQJ\^J,h5h556OJQJ\]^JnH tH &h5h56OJQJ]^JnH tH hjOJQJ^JnH tH &h5h55OJQJ\^JnH tH  h5h5OJQJ^JnH tH h4]h05OJQJ\^Jh4]h5OJQJ^Jh4]h0OJQJ^Jh4]h|186OJQJ]^Jh&6OJQJ]^Jh|186OJQJ]^J gh907$8$H$^`0gd} 7$8$H$gd<%$$d&d-D7$8$H$M NPa$gd0 $7$8$H$a$gd&$a$gdj $h^ha$gdj $`a$gdj$0^`0a$gd0  gh öqq`O`>!h4]h&56OJQJ\^J!h4]h05OJQJ\]^J!h4]h&5OJQJ\]^Jh4]h06OJQJ^JhVhj56hVhj6hVhjCJhVhj5 hVhjh4]h0OJQJ^Jh4]h&OJQJ^Jh4]h05OJQJ\^Jh4]h45OJQJ\^Jh55OJQJ\^Jh4]h55OJQJ\^J 89:;{gggP{=$h4]hnWYOJPJQJ^JnHtH-h4h}56OJPJQJ]^JnHtH'h4h}5OJPJQJ^JnHtH$h4]h}OJPJQJ^JnHtH*h4]h}6OJPJQJ]^JnHtHh4]h<OJQJ^Jh4]h<5OJQJ\^Jh4]hnWY6OJQJ^Jh4]h&6OJQJ^J!h4]h&56OJQJ\^J!h4]h056OJQJ\^J9:;>?$ɾɾɾɾ$<$a$gd& 7$8$H$^gd407$8$H$^`0gd}07$8$H$^`0gdj 7$8$H$gd< 7$8$H$^gd};>?ðڢN4<OJQJ^Jh4]h&6OJQJ]^Jhj6OJQJ]^Jh4]hnWY5OJQJ\^JhjOJQJ^Jh4]h}5OJQJ\^Jh4]h<6OJQJ^J$h4]h4OJPJQJ^JnHtHh<OJPJQJ^JnHtH-h4h<56OJPJQJ]^JnHtH*h4]h<6OJPJQJ]^JnHtH21h:pnWY. 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