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Mae anthropometreg yn bwysig wrth ddylunio cynhyrchion. Both ergonomics and anthropometrics make an important contribution to the successful design of a product. Describe two examples where: Ergonomics are important within working environments Anthropometrics are important in the design of products 2. Eglurwch beth ywr manteision o ddefnyddio dulliau prototeipio cyflym ir dylunydd wrth fodelu syniadau dylunio. Explain the benefits that rapid prototyping can give a product designer when modelling a design idea. 3. Mae datblygiadau technolegol mewn defnyddiau a chydrannau wedi dylanwadu ar ddyluniad cynhyrchion, gan ddod manteision ir gwneuthurwyr ac ir defnyddiwr. Trafodwch ddylanwad datblygiadau or fath ar gynnyrch och dewis. Technological developments in materials and components have influenced the design of products with benefits to both the manufacturer and the consumer. Discuss the influence of such developments on a product of your choice. Adran B / Section B 1. Mae dylunwyr, stiwdios dylunio a mudiadau dylunio modern yn cael dylanwad mawr ar dueddiadau ac arddulliau cynhyrchion ac ar eu harloesi (innovation). Disgrifiwch sut mae dylunydd neu stiwdio ddylunio neilltuol sy'n gyfarwydd i chi wedi dylanwadu ar dueddiadau ac arddulliau cynhyrchion. Modern designers, design studios or design movements have a powerful influence on the trends, styles and innovation of new products. Describe how a particular designer or design studio that you are familiar with has influenced trends and styles of products. 2. Rhowch ddisgrifiad manwl or effaith mae systemau cynhyrchu diwydiannol wedi ei gael ar gynnhyrchu cynnyrch penodol, gan gynnwys yr amrediad a maint y cynhyrchu. O fewn eich disgrifiad, trafodwch y systemau diwydiannol ar rhesymau syn eu gwneud yn addas ar gyfer eu defnyddio. Give a detailed description of the impact of industrial manufacturing systems on the manufacture of a specific product, including range and scale of production. In your description, discuss the industrial systems and the reason that make them appropriate for use.  G_a  " . 6 > H Q w # $ + . = G 񧙧{{{{{{{{{{h4]h{6OJQJ]^Jh4]h$OJQJ]^Jh4]h{OJQJ]^Jh4]h{5OJQJ]^Jh4]h{56OJQJ^Jh3356OJQJ]^J!h4]h{56OJQJ]^Jh335OJQJ^Jh4]h{5OJQJ^J.G  6 # $ G !$$d&d-DM NPa$gd0$a$gd{$a$gd0 , - . C D P % & ǺreXKK>h"6OJQJ]^Jh7M6OJQJ]^Jh4]hnWYOJQJ^Jh4]h0OJQJ^Jh4]h7MOJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh"OJQJ^Jh7MOJQJ^Jh4]h"OJQJ^Jh4]h"5OJQJ\^Jh4]h$OJQJ^Jh4]huOJQJ^J!h4]h{56OJQJ]^Jh4]h{5OJQJ^Jh4]h{OJQJ^J - . 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