My country:
Students socialising outside Pontio

International Students - Welcome Week

As an international student at ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É, your Welcome experience will start a little earlier and will provide you with specific information on all aspects of studying and living in a different country.

Welcome to ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É from Undeb ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É, your Students' Union:

Transcript for the above video

[00:00] [video displays various photos of students on ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É campus] Undeb ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É would like to welcome all international students to ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É. Undeb ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É is your Students’ Union and as a ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É student you're automatically a member. The Students’ Union is here to make your voice heard and to help you enjoy your time here at ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É. Join a free Sports Club, Society and Volunteering Project or become a Course Rep or Student Counsellor to improve the academic experience here at ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É. 

[00:29] [Text displaying ‘Let’s meet our international students’]

[00:31] [video displays Patheerapat Sireevaranunt] Hi my name is Pa, I study music.
[00:33] [video displays Jabesh Okumu] My name is Jabesh Okumu, I study Master of Science in Agroforestry and Food Security.
[00:40] [video displays Sara Ebrahim] Hello, this is Sara Ebrahim, I'm 21 years old, I'm an international student from Bahrain. I just completed my degree in Accounting and Finance. [00:49] [video displays Samantha Chiu] Hi, I'm Samantha, I come from Hong Kong and I'm doing Adventures Sport Science.[00:54] [text displaying ‘How are you involved in the Students’ Union?’.]
[00:56] [video displays Patheerapat Sireevaranunt, and text ‘We have over 100 different societies to do with hobbies, cultures, languages, academic interests and more!’] I am an international student so I join lots of international societies like the Philippines and Hong Kong. 

[01:04] [video displays Jabesh Okumu, and text ‘Course Reps’ represent students on their courses and ensure their voice is heard by the University!’] I'm a student and also a Course Rep in the School of Natural Sciences. I represent their views in the Students’ Union. 

[01:15] [video displays Sara Ebrahim, and text ‘Be a part of student politics and make real change for the students of ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É. The student council has 27 members representing different aspects of university life.’] After joining ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É, I was involved in the Student Council as an International Student Councillor. As an International Student Councillor, I had to sit and listen to all the students around the university and make sure that they don't have any issues with their studying, with their housing, with their schooling, with anything around them. 

[01:33] [video displays Samantha Chiu, and text ‘The AU has over 60 different sports clubs you can join!’ and ‘Give back to the local community with student volunteering projects.’] I’ve been involved in the Badminton Team in the sports societies. In the volunteering sector I've been involved in St John's. There is definitely a lot more clubs you can join for the sports. There is definitely one sport that you would like joining. 

[01:50] [text displaying ‘What’s your favourite thing about the Students’ Union?’]
[01:51] [video displaying Sara Ebrahim] My personal favourite part as an international student were the events that we set, the meetings that we all attended together with the councillors and the students to listen to their issues, or listed to their feedback about ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É, and the internal events that we had together.

[02:08] [text displaying ‘What are the benefits of being involved in the SU?’]
[02:10] [video displaying Patheerapat Sireevaranunt] The benefit is that we know more people, got more activities to do in a year without only focusing on our degrees and studying. 

[02:18] [text displaying ‘Why should international students join the SU?’]

[02:20] [video displays Patheerapat Sireevaranunt] I would like to encourage everyone to be part of Students’ Union so you have more activities to do, more events to join and more people to know. And you never get bored in ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É Uni.

[02:32] [video displays Jabesh Okumu] I would really encourage you to be part of this Union. You will find this place a home away from home. 

[02:40] [video displays Sara Ebrahim, and text ‘Your Students’ Union, www.undebbangor.com] What are you guys waiting for?

Other information that may interest you:

Close-up of student writing in notepad with mobile phone and laptop on desk


You must register with the University - by enrolling online before you arrive, and have your ID checked when you arrive at ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É.

Peer Guides during moving-in weekend at the Ffriddoedd Student Village

Peer Guides

Peer Guides are current students who have volunteered and have been trained to help new students settle in. They’ll help you make friends through a range of social events, show you around both the town and the university, and give you information and tips about student life.

Students socialising and looking at phone

Looking for private accommodation?

If you’re looking for accommodation in the private sector or have queries relating to your tenancy, then you can contact the Student Housing Office.