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The questions in HERA are descriptors of the skills, knowledge and effort required of a role holder to carry out a job or role effectively. The HERA Notes for Guidance should be used to interpret evidence, and judge which question response is appropriate for each of the 50 questions. The Notes for Guidance have been set out to provide: A summary explanation for each HERA element Identification of the particular response table for each element. Interpretation guidelines. Examples of evidence that might fit with each response The HERA Questionnaire and Notes for Guidance should always be used when interpreting evidence of jobs or roles, to ensure a robust and consistent process The Notes for Guidance will be reviewed periodically and in light of experience to ensure they continue to capture examples of tasks that reflect local values and priorities. The response tables There are four types of response: Single, Linear, Target and Matrix. The key features of each are set out in the table below. The number of responses available depends on the type of response table used and the element. In all response types A has the highest value. Interpretation guidelinesKey features of the response typeElements that use this type of response Key points to rememberSingle responseDescribes the skill level essential to the job. How complex is the activity or expertise required; Could the role holder work effectively without this level of skill? How much training is required for effective and safe performance? A single question and only one of the available responses is chosen. SPD has 4 responses: A,B,C,D (A scores the most points, D the fewest). 9. Sensory & Physical Demands (SPD) The use of all senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch) either used on their own or in combination including the need for use of physical skills and effort such as concentration, lifting, carrying. The nature of the work environment where the work is carried out may complicate and increase the level of skill and effort required. K&E has 6 responses: A,B,C,D,E,F (A scores the most points, F the fewest).14. Knowledge and Experience (K&E) The requirement for the role should be scored here, not the experience and qualifications that the role holder may possess. Knowledge acquired through education and qualifications should be considered as well as that acquired through experience. All forms of knowledge, experience and qualifications should be considered including academic and vocational awards, diplomas and professional qualifications.Linear responseEach element is scored using a linear response table, which means that each question represents an increasingly complex level of activity and for each level that is required in the role it is important to determine the frequency. The A score is used when the type of activity is essential for the effective performance of the role and occurs on a frequent basis. The B score is used when the type of activity is needed, but not all of the time. The C score is used when the type of activity is not required. The score should be based on the requirements of the role, not the skills possessed by the role holder or how well they accomplish the task. The level of demand expected of the role holder increases with each question and is answered separately using one of the three available responses A, B or C, based on how often the role holder carries these activities out. A = frequent level of activity and highest points B = occasional level of activity and fewer points C = no activity at all 1. Communication Receives, understands and conveys includes listening and two-way communication. Account should be taken of the recipients level of understanding. 11. Pastoral Care & Welfare The requirements of the role should be taken into account, not the role holder's ability or personal inclination to provide such support to other people. It covers responsibility for the care, health and well-being of students, colleagues, staff and others within the organisation. 12. Team Development This element covers training, inducting, mentoring, assisting, providing feedback, appraisal carried out by or to team members within the team. If the activity is to those outside of the team, it should be scored under Teaching & Learning Support.Target responseThe level of demand expected of the role holder increases with each question within the element. One of the questions is chosen to represent the main focus (A). If the role holder has any responsibilities or carries out any activities represented by the questions at levels higher than the one chosen as the main focus, these can be scored as important and frequent (B) or occasional (C). This allows credit to given to these higher level responsibilities or activities. If no activities are carried out at levels higher than the main focus they are deemed not relevant (D). For any question levels that fall below the one chosen as the main focus, a (D) is automatically added to indicate that these levels are Implicit. All target response tables work in the same way.One of the questions is chosen to represent the main focus = response A. The A response (main focus) can only be used once for each target response element. Credit can be given to responsibilities or activities at a higher level question number than the main focus. For all Target response elements apart from Work Environment these can be scored as B, C or D. B = important or frequently used C = important or occasionally used D = implicit when numerically below the main focus question number D = not relevant when numerically above the main focus question number2. Teamwork & Motivation  Team is a number of people who work together to achieve a common purpose. 4. Service Delivery A customer/client is anyone receiving services from the organisation. Services are provided to internal and external customers and clients.6. Planning & Organising All types of planning and organising of resources, including finance, capital and people. It includes responsibility for organising own work, that of others and project-related work. 7. Initiative & Problem-Solving The identification and nature of actual or potential problems, what is taken into account and who else (if anybody) is involved when considering or devising possible solutions. Can vary from acting within set guidelines to creating innovative responses to unprecedented problems.8. Analysis & Research Relevant to others and not just those engaged in academic research. It includes individual and collaborative investigations, data collection from appropriate sources, literature or database searches, internet searches, analysis and evaluation of data using statistical or other analytical methods. Research is defined as the systematic study of data obtained from a variety of sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.One of the questions is chosen to represent the main focus (A). If the role holder has any responsibilities or carries out any activities represented by the questions at levels higher than the one chosen as the main focus, these can be scored as important and frequent (B). If no activities are carried out at levels higher than the main focus they are deemed not relevant (C). There is no (D) response for this element. Work Environment only has 3 levels one of which must be a main focus A response, C = implicit or Not relevant. A response is awarded the most points, B and C less so depending on where the A is placed.10. Work Environment The environment evaluated is the normal environment of the role holder, how much this is subject change and what if any control they have over this. It includes scoring those who take responsibility for responding to and dealing with the conditions under which the role holder or those they work with are normally expected to work.Matrix responseThe response table allows two dimensions to be taken into account: Liaison & Networking- type of liaison or network and purpose; Decision-Making type of decision-making and impact; Teaching & Learning support type of teaching or learning activity and degree of responsibility for determining pedagogy and methodology or delivery and input into the design of learning materials. In these elements, the level and complexity of requirements increases incrementally in the dimensions used for the questions and responses. The use of a matrix (table) allows any of the responses to be used for each of the questions3. Liaison & Networking  A response letter should be given to the evidence of activity given against each question and will indicate the purpose of the activity. Liaison here is defined as making and maintaining contacts for work-related reasons. A network here is defined as an interconnecting group of people, internal or external to the organisation who exchange information, contacts and experience on a recurrent basis for professional purposes connected with the role. It is essential to score the requirement of the role and not what the role holder elects to do. 5. Decision-Making All types of normal everyday decisions are covered here. Unless the role holder has particular responsibility for taking emergency or unprecedented decisions the consequences of making the wrong or a poor decision should not be considered. The level of impact of a decision is defined by the spread of people affected, scale of resources and timescale over which the decision is effective.13. Teaching & Learning Support The provision and organisation of training, staff development, formal and informal learning, development opportunities, distance learning, demonstrations, feedback, teaching, lecturing and mentoring using the organisations facilities and services. The responses relate to the degree of creativity and control the role holder has over the content, structure, delivery and assessment of learning activity. 1 COMMUNICATION (linear response) (A maximum of 80 points is allocated between the sub elements) Oral Communication This element covers all types of oral communication between at least two people who may be present face to face or connected by virtual technologies. This includes Signing, hand signals for people with hearing loss or speech impairment, using the telephone or technology to enable virtual communications and delivering presentations, training and development sessions or lectures. Other kinds of communication for people with disabilities, e.g. Braille and Blissymbols, are covered under Written or Electronic Communication. The methods used to communicate with and by people with disabilities should be treated the same as all other forms of communication. Their need can be scored at any of the three levels. The skills of the communication are under consideration, not the language or medium used. For example, when another language is being used, account should be taken of the fluency of both the communicator and the audience when deciding how to score the evidence. Receives, understands and conveys includes listening and two-way communication. It is essential to always take the audience into account when scoring evidence to determine the difficulty or complexity of the communication process. Therefore account should be taken of the recipients level of understanding. Generally communication is a less skilful and demanding process when communicator and recipient share a similar level of knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Question 1 describes the basic level. This will most probably be required for most roles. However, it is possible that a role holder will not be required to undertake this level of communication all of the time. Examples include: giving directions to visitors; handling telephone enquiries where the information is of a routine/standard nature; replying to requests for information that require no interpretation of terminology/context etc; recording and passing on data/information/messages. Question 2 describes those roles where the role holder is required to clarify matters of a non-routine nature. The role holder will be required to use language over and above that found in everyday conversation and will be expected to place the contents in a logical order, choose an appropriate method of delivery and employ techniques to ensure understanding. Examples include: explaining non-standard procedures, regulations or course entry requirements; explaining to students or members of staff how to operate equipment or conduct an experimental technique or method of analysis; reasoning, persuading and negotiating with colleagues to understand and adopt or modify a viewpoint; presenting a paper about the development /discovery of a new idea/concept at a conference/network of colleagues in the same field; providing feedback or resolving conflicts where sensitivity, tact and diplomacy are required; explaining a report on cost or operational implications of a decision where arguments are presented to engage the audience; giving an introductory lecture to students who have familiarity with basic principles of the topic; conducting an interview as part of a staff or student recruitment exercise to draw out information and make decisions; using various forms of media and technology to conduct virtual meetings/coaching sessions with members of staff working at a different location or from home. Question 3 is for those roles where the role holder is required to convey and understand communication of a complex or conceptual nature which typically would require considerable skill to ensure it was understandable to non-specialists. Examples include: providing a detailed explanation, by breaking information and facts down into logical steps and enabling the audience to learn and understand how a bespoke system or a set of legal regulations operates, and their implications explaining the results of an original or ground-breaking research project to students or non-specialists in the subject area (for example in a lecture or conference); interpreting and conveying new legal requirements and their implications where they are likely to impact at a strategic level; using complex reasoning, by explaining specialist or unique knowledge and data in such a way as to influence others' thinking and negotiating with them to achieve an outcome or decision; making presentations designed to engage and transform thinking to sizable or mixed interest groups or groups with diverse levels of understanding of the subject matter; negotiating an organisation-wide contract with an external supplier or customer for the replacement of employee benefits, or large items of capital expenditure; translating and interpreting technical or conceptual information into or from a another language for an international audience with learning or decision-making; using virtual conference calls to carry out a tutorial/meeting with recipients based in regional, national and/or international locations where the cultural context is very different and requires considerable tact and diplomacy. Written or Electronic Communication and Visual Media All types of visual media and written/electronic communication are covered in this element. This includes adaptations made to aid the communication process for people with disabilities, as required by the Disability at Work regulations, and may include Braille, large print or adjusted text for blind and partially sighted people and use of accessible fonts for dyslexia sufferers. Signing for people with hearing loss or speech-impairment is covered under Oral Communication. The methods used to communicate with and by people with disabilities should be treated as all others as they can equally be used at any of the three levels. The content of the communication, not the language employed, is under consideration. When another language is being used, account should be taken of the fluency of both the communicator and the audience when deciding how to score the evidence. Receives, understands and conveys includes reading and two-way communication. It is essential to always take the audience into account when scoring evidence to determine the difficulty or complexity of the communication process. Therefore account should be taken of the recipients level of understanding. Generally communication is a less skilful and demanding process when communicator and recipient share a similar level of knowledge and understanding of the subject matter Question 4 describes the basic level required. This will most probably be required for most roles. However, it is possible that a role holder will not be required to undertake this level of communication all of the time. Examples include: taking a message and recording in a suitable format to aid understanding; transferring information from paper-based system to electronic system; preparing standard letters where the role holder refers to a particular script or approved text; straightforward correspondence including emails where no explanation of jargon or specific terminology is required confirming appointments, course or meeting dates to members of a network; writing a set of simple instructions without the use of specialist terminology or jargon; completing simple forms with information that can be easily understood by anybody without help to explain. Question 5 describes those roles where the role holder is required to clarify non-routine issues or information. The role holder will employ a range of language over and above that found in everyday usage. Consideration will also be given to the format and tone used, explanation of less common jargon or terminology to improve the clarity of the message and help understanding. Examples include: writing out a risk assessment drafting a standard tender document where care is needed to ensure those wishing to submit to the tender understand the terms and conditions correctly; drafting short factual reports for others to present where accuracy is required to reflect a specific scenario and to assist those using the information to make decisions; drafting guides to course modules where the ability to chunk and break down information is necessary to achieve a learning objective; writing brochures or advertising material to influence and enhance the understanding of the audience; writing notes of straightforward meetings, or records from experimental observations to ensure accuracy of content and context; writing a grant application where a case needs to be made following guidelines supplied by the funding body; proofreading or editing the work of others when it is important to ensure the argument and presentation contained within that work is not altered from the original; writing minutes of meetings to ensure an accurate record and clear understanding for those referring to the minutes. Question 6 refers to those roles where the role holder is required to both convey and understand communication of a complex, multi-faceted, specialist or conceptual nature. This includes material where considerable skill is required to convey an accurate understanding and ensure that it is understandable to those outside the area of work or where topics from a number of disciplines are combined, or where the discourse requires a number of alternative models to aid understanding. Examples include: writing research papers, journal articles and material for publication that contain different models or paradigms to explain the outputs and intentions; drafting user and training manuals for equipment, systems or software or writing explanations of techniques and models, regulations or procedures where the methodologies used are inter-related and the information has to be broken down carefully to ensure the audience can follow the path of logic to satisfy learning objectives; preparing technical specifications for complex contracts such as new buildings, service specifications or capital equipment where accuracy of facts, figures and details are critical to ensure the supply of the correct goods and services; compiling the case for the resourcing of multi-centre projects that impact on the delivery of strategic performance indicators for the organisation; producing policy questions, procedures and guidelines on complex systems or subjects where issues of precedence are set or influenced; writing reports, letters or other documents dealing with complex, contentious and sensitive situations with many inter-related issues that impact on people differently and where the need to reflect a wide and varied range of views and opinions is critical. 2 TEAMWORK AND MOTIVATION (Target Response) (A maximum of 70 points) Team is used here to mean a number of people (i.e. more than two) who work together to achieve a common purpose. An identified leader or manager will have responsibility for ensuring all team members are aligned to the common purpose defined by a specific set of tasks or objectives. This definition should be used consistently throughout the questionnaire when considering work and outputs delivered by the team and how individual talents and relationships are developed to define the team, particularly in Team Development. An individual can be a member of one or more teams at the same time. A supervisor or manager can be responsible for more than one team, and an individual may work in several teams. Teams can be: internal or external, and may include team members drawn together for a specific purpose or outcome. Individuals within the team may have a lot of day-to-day contact with one member who takes responsibility for leading team members who are located together. established for a limited time or purpose diverse in terms of the frequency of contact between team members depending on their location, working pattern or role leaderless, where members of teams, work or project groups are drawn together to do a specific job or achieve a specified outcome fixed or changing in nature or membership matrix in nature, where membership and work cuts horizontally across the traditional vertical silos of function or geography. Matrix teams are sometimes referred to as virtual, multi-departmental, dual reporting or organisationally complex. Management in a matrix team leads to some people having more than one reporting line (whether solid or dotted), and often means working with colleagues from different functions, business units or locations. In a global structure there may be additional challenges created by working across cultures and time zones. A team is not the same as a network. Networks should be considered under Liaison and Networking. If the role holder is required to work as part of the team alongside external contractors on a routine basis, the nature of their responsibilities in relation to this aspect of their role should be considered here. For example, if this activity is more about simply reporting and communication it should be considered under Liaison and Networking. A network differs from a team in that it is the success of the relationships engendered by the range and quality of the contacts for a specific purpose that determine its success, whereas the success of a team relies on the outputs of the skills, knowledge and expertise of team members identified via recruitment and selection methods as well as inter-working relationships. Identifying the main focus If Question 9 is deemed to be the main focus, questions 7 and 8 will be regarded as implicit and should be scored D. Decisions will then be needed about whether to allocate responses B, C or D to Questions 10 and 11. Question 7 is the lowest level. This describes a role holder who needs to be co-operative when asked, and provides a contribution to the overall team objectives. The role holder is likely to be directed by a line manager/supervisor. Examples include: a team member who does not need to work with other team members to achieve their own or team objectives because they work on a specific subject/topic or service unique to them; a team member who works apart from other members of their team in another building or area of a building and has the relevant knowledge and skills to be able to work on their own without reference to other team members. Examples of typical team names may include a clerical or technical support team, a catering team, a maintenance team, or a research or project team. Question 8 describes a role holder required to play a proactive part in the team by offering mutual support to colleagues where the members are all pulling together. This may be in a self-directed or leaderless team, or in a team with a remote leader. The role holder is likely to be self-directed. Examples include: a senior member of the team who is required to act as a point of reference to less experienced colleagues; a team member where the work they do is reliant upon working with other team members to complete the end task/service; a team member who works with other team members who are all skilled/experienced and/or may work remotely from and without reference to a line manager on regular basis; a member of an administrative support team who provides administrative services in one faculty to academic staff and also works with the central function University Registry team responsible for managing graduations. Question 9 describes a role where the role holder is required to oversee tasks of the work team on a day-to-day basis i.e. an operational team leader. This would include being responsible for allocating work, monitoring its achievement by team members and providing feedback to them. The role holder would be expected to take initial remedial action if required and to praise the work of the team. Generally guidance and the overall direction of the team and its work may be supplied by another manager at a more senior level. A role holder who manages/supervises only one person is likely to score C for question 9. Examples include: delegating tasks and work activities and overseeing the work of a team, unit or section in a supervisory capacity; (including regular Research Supervisor) taking responsibility for leading, overseeing and monitoring the work allocation, key deliverables and timescales for individuals in a project team leading a team delivering a service, degree level course, module, programme or pathway; taking day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that activities carried out in different locations by different teams meet team objectives. For those with dual responsibilities, such as a section leader who is part of the departmental management team, it is possible to score A for question 9 and B for question 10. If the role holder also contributes to strategic planning or responsibilities for cross-university functions, question 11 can be scored C. Question 10 describes a manager of the team, setting the vision and goals, providing leadership for the team and being responsible for planning current and future resources. The role holder may be responsible for the work of several sections or units within the overall team including a matrix manager. Examples include: a Head of a section, department or service that spans either one very large team or multiplicity of smaller teams within an umbrella team; a subject or programme leader Enterprise or Major Research project manager; an academic leader who has specific responsibility for aligning colleagues within a faculty to meet key performance indicators for teaching and learning, whilst also providing strategic leadership as a member of a Senior Management Team, and leading a major research team. For those with more senior dual responsibilities, such as a programme leader who is part of the strategic management team, it is possible to score A for question 10 and B for question 11. Question 11 is the highest level and is used to describe a role where the role holder manages across teams beyond the boundaries of their immediate work team and across a significant proportion of the organisation. They are required to manage the relationship between teams at a strategic level in the organisation and ensure they interact effectively to achieve the common purpose of the organisation. It is likely that there would be evidence of delegated responsibilities to role holders below this level. The role holder would be expected to act if there was evidence of teams not working together effectively. Examples include: senior management roles spanning several departments or functional areas; leadership roles in a significant area of work such as regional development, overseeing research activity or quality audit and being required to draw together staff from across the organisation. 3 LIAISON AND NETWORKING (matrix response) (A maximum of 65 points) This element explores liaison and networking carried out for the benefit of the organisation. It is essential to score the requirement of the role and not what the role holder elects to do. The role holder will need to liaise and network to be effective and fulfil all aspects of the role. Liaison here is defined as making and maintaining contacts for work-related reasons. A network is an interconnecting group of people, possibly from different work teams or organisations, who exchange information, contacts and experience on a recurrent basis for professional purposes connected with the role. Internal networks include crossorganisation groups e.g. School Board, Senior Management Team, Finance Committee. Membership of working parties should also be included if membership is required as part of the role. External networks include professional bodies, national or international groups with shared research interests, student exchange programmes, regional university groups or employer associations or bodies. The role holder should be acting as a representative of the organisation. Membership of networks solely for personal benefit or simple interest should not be included. Question 12 describes the basic level that would be expected for those roles that are required to have regular contact with people outside their work team(s) (as defined for Teamwork and Motivation.) Question 13 is used for those roles where the role holder is required to participate in groups or networks outside their immediate work team(s) (as defined in Teamwork and Motivation). Question 14 is used when the role holder is required to create, develop or lead networks inside the organisation. Question 15 is used when the role holder is required to create, develop or lead organisations, networks or groups outside the organisation. Questions 14 and 15 should be used only for those roles whose holders play a major part in forming and developing network(s). Their involvement in the network(s) will be agreed by the organisation and form part of the requirements of their role. A response letter should be given to the evidence of activity given against each question and will indicate the purpose of the activity. The following table provides an example of purpose against level within each of the scoring options: RESPONSE ARESPONSE BRESPONSE CRESPONSE DRESPONSE E12 CONTACTSRequired to act as the organisations spokesperson with external media Negotiating with internal and external sponsors when organising a Conference programme. Influence events or decisionsFinance staff contacting named budget holders about expenditure queries Nurturing contacts with suppliers and contractors over time. Build relationships Making contact with facilities staff when booking rooms for development session Pass on information and keep people informed.Not relevant13 CONTRIBUTE TO AN INTERNAL/ EXTERNAL NETWORKA regular contributor as a member of a strategic planning/management team or committeeActively participating member of a professional networking group to influence knowledge and decision-makingBeing a member of an external or internal professional network to share ideas i.e. virtual network with external contacts as part of a relevant and recognised profession/occupational groupBeing a member of a user group providing feedback on a service/product Pass on information and keep people informed.Not relevant14 LEAD AN INTERNAL NETWORK Chairing or leading a Senate or academic board Setting up and leading a knowledge exchange collaboration network across the organisation to meet KPIs Leading a cross-organisational committee/group reviewing service impact and providing recommendations to improve practice. Major involvement.Leading a cross-functional discussion group to share ideas Major involvement. Responsible for managing and setting up a mail-base to pass on information within the organisation Not relevant15 LEAD AN EXTERNAL NETWORKChairing a National Research Council, funding body or awarding committee that enhances organisational reputation Generating benefits for the institution as a whole.Leading an external consortium/ research group determining business terms Influencing events or decisions.Leading a regional knowledge exchange network to share ideas Required by the institution to play a high profile role in the network.Leading a limited life external network to enable the exchange of informationNot relevant 4 SERVICE DELIVERY (Target response) (A maximum of 70 points) A customer is defined here as anyone receiving services from the organisation and its staff. Services are provided to students, potential students, employers, members of the public, industrial and commercial clients, conference participants, job applicants and other people who deal with the organisation. Some staff may have little direct involvement with students or other external users yet still provide a service to colleagues in other parts of the organisation. For example, accountants may provide financial information and guidance to heads of departments, AV technicians may support lecturers by advising on the use of equipment and librarians may help lecturers identify resources. The design of course content should not be included here, but under Teaching and Learning Support. However, identifying gaps in provision or the need to develop courses or programmes in response to feedback and changing demands should be considered here. Question 16 reflects the basic skill level required and is used for those roles where the role holder reacts to the approaches of others. Examples include: responding to requests for information from employees, students, parents, or members of the public; providing answers to questions regularly posed, drawing upon pre-prepared materials for the answers; responding to breakdowns, system or mechanical failures or predictable requests for help. Question 17 is for a role holder who is expected to initiate contact with customers, explore customers' needs and adapt the service to meet them. It has two parts and should be used if either part is appropriate. A role holder is likely to score A for Question 17 if setting up systems to obtain student/stakeholder/customer feedback. Examples include: approaching customers to establish what is required (e.g. agreeing a conference programme or details of a research or in-house training contract, designing promotional campaign material or discussing future skill needs with employers); contacting potential customers to let them know of new services including marketing of services such as at educational fairs. surveying customer needs, obtaining information from them about their assessment of the service (e.g. obtaining student feedback), and adapting the service accordingly; gathering feedback on the levels of service usage (e.g. levels of room occupancy or stock use) and adapting the service to make it more effective or appropriate. Question 18 is the highest level and is intended for a role holder who is responsible for setting standards and determining the quality of service to be provided. Function or area of service means a significant operation (such as a school, College or department) or range of activity provided across the organisation). Examples include: setting overall quality assurance or learning and teaching standards for the organisation; forecasting the impact of new legislation on the organisation and developing new procedures to ensure compliance; defining service levels for the function and ensuring adherence to them; setting and maintaining standards for the organisations library and learning resources services and facilities (such as cleaning, catering or security); overseeing student recruitment trends and identifying what action should be taken to achieve targets; developing ethical research policy standards and protocols for the organisation; identifying potential areas for consultancy and knowledge transfer or research contracts and creating a framework to ensure that projects run according to plan. The role holder should not score A here if standards are set by internal regulation or external requirements such as legislation. A role which is required to contribute to setting overall standards, but which is not involved in all of the functions described, should be scored B, if at all. Those guiding others on what standards to set, for example by being part of a steering group, should also score B. 5 DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES AND OUTCOMES (matrix response) (A maximum of 70 points) All types of decisions are covered here including those relating to finance, physical resources, students, staff and policy matters. Decisions relating to planning and prioritising of work should be scored in Planning and Organising Resources. The consequences of making the wrong or a poor decision should not be considered, i.e. such as worst case scenario. Best practice would suggest that only examples of typical everyday decisions made by the role holder should be taken into account. It is important to identify who is really accountable for making a decision. An organisational chart may help with this. For example, a role holder may make a decision knowing their manager will support their judgement. However, the manager is responsible for its consequences. When deciding the level of impact a decision has, it can be helpful to consider the spread of its impact or what would need to be done to reverse it. Questions 19, 20 and 21 reflect different types of decision-making processes. They are not hierarchical. Question 19 relates to independent decisions made by the role holder based on their own knowledge and experience. If another body or person approves or endorses the role holders decision or it is made according to rules and procedures, the decision is not made independently. Independent decisions include those: by a role holder to decide on the right tools or techniques to be used to carry out a task; by a role holder to decide the appropriate training event for a team member to meet a development need; by a role holder to decide on what to include in a tender document for services to be provided. Question 20 relates to collaborative decisions made by the role holder with others, usually following a discussion and weighing up of facts. Collaborative decisions include: a role holder and their manager in agreement where both are accountable for the decision regarding allocation of work within a team; a working group or project team agreeing proposals for changes to service provision; a committee or management team determining future focus for strategic plans. Question 21 relates to situations where the role holder contributes to the decision-making of others and has responsibility to advise others, provide input or make recommendations. Contributory decisions include: a role holder providing information and data to help a line manager decide on a purchasing decision; a role holder making the business case for additional staffing to a school resourcing committee; a role holder providing the facts of an investigation to an external consultant who will make recommendations based on this. Response A is the most demanding level, requiring the highest level of skill. Typically the decisions at this level will affect the whole organisation impacting on policy and operations across the majority of departments and affecting most members of staff or students. Examples include: deciding how to obtain alternative sources of income for the organisation; deciding the nature and level of degrees and diplomas; forming strategic alliances with other bodies or organisations. Response B is used for far-reaching, complex and long-lasting decisions. Examples include: delegating significant on-going responsibilities to a number of staff; allocating student numbers to departments or units; developing a new service or changing existing work practices that affect broad areas of the organisation such as developing partnerships with overseas programmes. Response C describes decisions that will have an impact of limited spread which may endure for some time. Examples include: buying non-routine stock or equipment following policy, guidelines and purchasing procedures; deciding who to involve in a working group; deciding which students to admit to a course; planning module content. Response D describes the lowest level of decision-making, i.e. decisions that have an immediate impact, which can easily be amended and have little effect beyond the immediate area of the role holder's work. Examples include: deciding when to hold a meeting; choosing stock from the preferred supplier's list. Response E is used if the type of decision-making described by the question is not relevant. The following table provides an example of impact against the type of decision within each of the scoring options: RESPONSE ARESPONSE BRESPONSE CRESPONSE DRESPONSE E19 INDEPENDENTDeciding whether or not to pursue a major research or teaching contractAllocating overall resource requirements within organisation wide plansDeciding on the appropriate equipment for a field tripBuying a low cost item within budgetNot relevant20 COLLABORATIVEAs part of a senior management team, formulating organisation-wide plans and committing resources to their implementationParticipating in a working party to decide the structure of a course or degree programme of studyAppointing a member of staffAgreeing a work rota between team membersNot relevant21 CONTRIBUTE ADVICE/INPUTAdvising the Board of Governors on potential mergers or strategic alliancesAdvising on how legislation affects organisational practiceAdvising students on options for further studyAdvising a subject librarian on books to purchase for a particular module or course.Not relevant 6 PLANNING and ORGANISING RESOURCES (target response) (A maximum of 70 points) This element covers all types of planning and organising resources including finance, capital and people. It includes those roles where the role holders are responsible for organising their own work, that of others and project-related work. Teamwork and leadership skills should not be assessed here, but under Teamwork and Motivation. The creation of plans to satisfy training and development needs should be considered here in the same way as all other plans requiring the commitment and utilisation of resources. Question 22 describes the basic skill level required and applies to those following the instructions of others and with little or no discretion to plan own work. Examples include: working to a set pattern each day, e.g. carrying out routine maintenance; preparing food to a specific set of instructions; processing data to a scheduled timetable and following database rules; working from a detailed set of instructions to carry out a routine of more than one task where the order of tasks is very important. Question 23 is for those roles where the holder is expected to decide their own pattern of work and can select the order in which tasks are completed, providing the required output is achieved. Examples include: discretion to plan deciding when and how to respond to requests for information or assistance; planning stock replacement schedules; organising a meeting; drafting an article to meet publication deadlines; producing a booklet; designing and making a piece of equipment. Question 24 is aimed at those who plan a project and/or areas of work OR prioritise their own work and the day-to-day work of others to meet laid-down objectives. They will be required to plan projects. Typically, but not exclusively, this will be used in supervisory or team leader roles. Examples include: supervising and being accountable for the resources (people, equipment, money) of a sub-section of a department; supervising a specific project, e.g. organising a conference or event such as a graduation ceremony or open day; organising a health and safety audit; being responsible for the delivery of a degree level course or programme of study to which others contribute. Question 25 is used for those roles responsible for formulating the type of plan that will affect a substantial area of work, is likely to last longer than one year and will possibly involve people from several teams, as defined for Teamwork and Motivation. Typically this will be used for those in operational management roles. Examples might include being responsible for a unit such as a school or department, a large research grant or major collaborative project (e.g. one involving staff from several sections drawn from across the organisation). Examples include: setting the budget or budgets for one or more significant areas of expenditure; managing staff resources across a large team or smaller number of teams with inter-related complexities in terms of timescales and conflicting resources; setting objectives to one large team or more than one team covering a significant area of work across the organisation; monitoring progress and keeping to the timescale for a large complex project or a number of inter-related projects; planning for the future typically for timescales 3-5 years; co-ordinating and monitoring the roll-out of plans across a significant area of the organisation. Question 26 is the highest level and describes the responsibilities of those involved in developing strategic plans for significant parts of or the whole organisation. Examples include: taking organisation-wide responsibility for student recruitment and setting long-term objectives and timescales to meet business plan objectives; academic or resource planning where leadership is required to ensure a large number of staff and outcomes are delivered in alignment with organisational vision and mission; estates and capital planning for large-scale, high-value projects that are part of long-term capacity building for the organisation; contributing to strategic planning outside the organisation such as regional development or educational development of a professional body. Score B for this question for those roles whose holders contribute to but are not directly involved in forming strategic plans. 7 INITIATIVE AND PROBLEM-SOLVING (Target response) (A maximum of 80 points) Evidence is scored here when it relates to identifying actual or potential problems, considering or devising a range of possible solutions and implementing the one deemed most appropriate. Considering solutions can vary from acting within set guidelines to having to create innovative responses to unprecedented problems. Aspects of problem-solving such as devising schemes to generate income should be included here as the purpose of this activity is to resolve a problem. Evidence should not be scored here if it relates to analytical and theoretical research. Research is defined as the systematic study of data obtained from a variety of sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Evidence of this type of activity should be scored under Analysis and Research. Question 27 describes the basic skill level required and is applied to those roles where there are often laid-down procedures or custom and practice, and therefore there is little scope for discretion. Examples include the sort of problems that recur on a regular, routine basis: carrying out first line repairs of equipment or machinery following prescribed procedures; organising temporary cover for absent staff in a facilities service team to ensure enough waiting staff are available to serve conference diners; informing relevant people about an emergency such as illness following a set of detailed procedures; making travel and accommodation arrangements within specific guidelines on a regular basis. Question 28 applies to those roles where the holder is expected to use judgement and initiative to resolve problems that are less predictable. The range of choices may be defined by a set of procedures or guidelines, or by training and application of knowledge. Examples include: dealing with attendance problems where there is some case history that needs to be taken into account before taking action; finding an alternative bench reagent in a laboratory after carrying out a risk assessment and identifying that the requested chemical is not suitable for the particular application; dealing with a student's failure to submit course work; identifying an appropriate equipment warranty having carried out an investigation following a number of conflicting reports and having evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of the options available. managing complex administrative support systems such as co-ordinating a number of diaries. Question 29 describes the skills required to resolve problems that occur infrequently and when the available guidance is not specific. The choice of solution is complicated by the range of information available and the way to resolving the situation is not clear. This level includes having to deal with several complex problems at the same time and generally focus on novel solutions. Examples include: devising new courses or programmes of study to attract students from scratch to meet organisational objectives; dealing with anomalies and unexpected demands on a departments budget for a large expenditure account that impacts across a significant area of the organisation; investigating an area of ineffective working or systems failure and developing approaches to improve operational effectiveness by introducing a new system or simplifying practices of an office, workshop or laboratory; implementing and developing new guidelines or procedures, such as those regulating use of finance or managing attendance carrying out a scoping exercise, gathering data from a range of sources to identify potential external partners, consultancy opportunities or other sources of income. Question 30 is the highest level of skill and describes those situations that are novel to the organisation. This does not mean that the solution may be totally unknown elsewhere but that significant adjustments are needed to make the proposed action suit the context. Examples include: identifying the implications of Government and sector policy and impact of changes to the funding of the organisation; implementing a new management culture and managing the change process across a significant part or whole of the organisation; engaging with external professional agencies and consultants to develop and implement a new marketing approach for the organisation; defining problems with current finance procedures and practice and implementing new procedures and protocols changing the way resources are allocated across the organisation; identifying a significant gap in the overall student services and designing and implementing new procedures and processes to ensure the organisation improves published metrics and organisational reputation. 8 ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH (Target response) (A maximum of 70 points) This element includes all aspects of investigation, analysis and research, and is relevant to all posts, not just those roles engaged in academic research. Evidence should be scored here if it relates to information and data collection, including analytical and theoretical research. Research is defined as the systematic study of data obtained from a variety of sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Investigation is defined as looking into an issue, asking others, gathering and examining data from a range of sources. Examples of activities that would be included under this element include individual and collaborative investigations involving the collection of data from appropriate sources, literature or database searches, internet searches, engaging in action research, holding discussions with other practitioners, and examination of data using statistical or other analytical methods. Question 31 is the lowest level where recording of data or information is carried out by following procedures. Examples include: balancing and reconciling money in the cash register against sales; carrying out routine electrical safety checks and recording results; checking stock levels against the inventory; checking statistics against source data and reporting anomalies; searching the internet for basic information such as train times; adding data to database records; Carrying out routine laboratory operations. Question 32 describes the skills involved in gathering, collating and manipulating routine data so that it can be interpreted by others. Examples include: obtaining data by carrying out literature and subject-specific database searches by identifying key words; setting up and conducting simple experiments recording and collating results; actively participating in experiments or field work with guidance from others; monitoring resource usage on a spreadsheet (e.g. expenditure against a budget, the consumption of energy or space utilisation); providing statistics using tried and tested methods (e.g. on spreadsheets); interrogating databases to produce standard reports (e.g. the number of students enrolled on a course or assessment marks). Question 33 applies when the role holder is required to decide how to conduct the investigation as well as analyse and interpret the results. Examples include: analysing student destination statistics and reporting patterns and trends for senior decision makers; conducting complex experiments with minimal supervision. selecting and designing complex questionnaires, survey methods or tests (including medical tests) and interpreting the results; investigating the impact and implications of changes to funding for a range of research projects with inter-related and competing demands; conducting enquiries into complex complaints or system failures and indicating where improvements are needed. Question 34 involves the investigation of complex matters and issues. It is unlikely that anyone other than those engaged in research or those involved in enquiring into highly complex and sensitive matters would score A or B on this question. Academics whose role require them to be research active would not be expected to score less than A in Question 34. Examples include: developing methodologies and designing data gathering and analytical techniques (including statistical, qualitative and quantitative methods) to provide appropriate evidence for a major research project; creating new experiments or methods to test hypotheses or theories; examining discourse, texts or phenomena from new and different perspectives; integrating concepts from different disciplines to interpret findings; synthesizing results so they may be applied; forming conclusions to explain relationships between data or phenomena; refereeing research papers for publication; managing research projects (PI); producing peer-reviewed research output of at least national standard; obtaining significant funding for research projects; reviewing grant proposals; setting the parameters of the question to be researched; creating testable hypotheses and research questions; identifying significant gaps in knowledge. Question 35 is the highest level and is aimed at those who are required on a regular basis to initiate major research activities or lead investigations into significant matters. Examples include: identifying major gaps in existing knowledge; publishing innovative research that impacts the field; publishing a substantial quantity of work of international standard in leading journals or (for monographs) with major publishers; setting the parameters of the question to be researched; determining the overall direction of major research projects to be conducted by others; generating research income that is substantial for the field; running a large research group; liaising with national research bodies to identify future research requirements; take part in funders grant awarding panels, determining whether projects should be funded; involvement with government to apply research results to policy; key involvement in the institutional research strategy; The role holder may be required to set the context for research or shape the broad research agenda in the field or specialism 9 SENSORY AND PHYSICAL DEMANDS (Single response) (A maximum of 50 points) Question 36: This element refers to the use of all senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch) either singly or in combination and covers roles requiring the use of physical skills and effort. The multiplier effect where the greater the level of demand or difficulty combined with a greater range of senses and physical effort should be considered. Response A refers to roles which are highly detailed and require highly developed skills. The role holder will be expected to demonstrate great sensitivity to subtle differences. These roles will require the co-ordination of several if not all the senses, and involve very high levels of skill, dexterity and fine degrees of control. Precision, speed and co-ordination of the senses will be essential. Intense physical effort may also be involved. Examples include: conducting experiments that use high cost equipment or fragile, rare or volatile samples; working in high risk environments that require vigilance and care and where adaptation and reaction to rapidly changing circumstances will be required (avoid double counting evidence under Work Environment); remaining in one position for long periods of time or holding and using sophisticated tools for prolonged periods, for example when performing delicate surgery on people or animals; gathering underwater samples when using scuba diving equipment and clothing; creating objects using sophisticated tools, multiple or high value materials; handling boats at sea. Response B refers to roles where the holder co-ordinates and interprets various sensory data. The holder will be required to use well-developed skills acquired over time. There will be considerable demand for high levels of concentration, precision. Alternatively, the role holder may be required to use considerable physical effort, for example by being engaged in prolonged and strenuous work. Examples include: playing a musical instrument; lifting heavy, difficult objects on a sustained and prolonged basis; working in confined or difficult spaces for prolonged periods of time; operation and repair of highly specialised, hazardous or complex tools, equipment and instruments; using and demonstrating physiotherapy and other clinical techniques; working on complex equipment such as boilers, electrical systems and similar pieces of machinery; working on live electrical equipment; handling boats in category C & D waters (i.e. the Straits). Response C refers to roles in which the holder is required to use materials, tools, and machinery in their work. It also refers to roles in which the holder is routinely expected to use their physical abilities and skills to perform complex and difficult movements, including working in cramped or small spaces or in awkward positions. Alternatively, the role holder will need skills obtained through practice over a period of time or during practical training. Care, precision and accuracy will be normally expected. Examples include: lifting, awkward or fragile objects; working in a variety of different buildings and spaces or awkward positions; driving vehicles for which a specialist licence is required; using a specialist tool or piece of equipment (e.g. a microscope, test rig or printing, sewing or buffing machine) effectively; handling an animal or person correctly; administering standard treatment to a person or animal. Response D describes the basic level of skill required. The role holder will be required to perform straightforward tasks which may involve the use of simple, generally available tools or equipment. The training needed to perform these tasks effectively and safely will be, typically, in the form of limited instruction including short periods of demonstration and practice. Examples include: using pen, pencil and ruler or keyboard, mouse or other device for inputting straightforward data or finding routine information; using light gardening or maintenance tools; standard laboratory equipment; standard office equipment; filing or replacing items on shelves or stores; occasionally moving goods, equipment or light objects. 10 WORK ENVIRONMENT (Target response) (A maximum of 65 points) This element deals with the need to take responsibility for responding to and dealing with the conditions under which the role holder or those they are responsible for are normally expected to work. The focus is on taking appropriate action to control or reduce risk in the environment or to ensure that any foreseeable impact from the environment does not result in harm. Question 37 refers to work environments where a role holder is not expected to need to take control over their working environment and there is a low level of risk. Examples include: working in an office or lecture room where the environment is stable; working in an office-based environment where the role holder understands and adheres to standard health and safety guidance in regard to self and others, and reports concerns to others for action. Question 38 relates to where the role holder is required to make decisions about how to perform the work of themselves or others because of the nature of the environment. This may include occasions when the role holder will be expected to deal with stressful or difficult situations, for example, dealing with people displaying hostile or aggressive behaviour. The role holder may have responsibilities for managing the impact of the environment on the work or safety of other people, with devolved responsibility to carry out risk assessments to determine the degree of risk or level of hazard. Examples include: carrying out risk assessment with groups of students on field studies in external environments and/or changing weather conditions; working in a workshop/studio/laboratory and being required to ensure safe working practices when machinery or electrical equipment is used; working in an environment where the role holder is more likely to come into contact with an angry or aggressive person adhering to or completing a risk assessment and taking appropriate action; working in an environment where there is a need to wear protective clothing and equipment as a safeguard against biological/microbial or chemical hazards and ensuring that protective clothing is available and worn. Question 39 includes roles in which the role holder is required to manage, directly or indirectly, the hazards inherent in work undertaken by their teams(s) or the organisation as a whole and to ensure the safety of those working in the environment under those conditions. The role holder will be expected to manage health and safety issues which may include the identification and recording of hazards, and the provision of guidance to minimise and manage any risks. Where necessary, it will include intervening to restructure work in response to identified hazards risk and/or requiring others to take precautions. The role holder will be expected to act rather than refer the matter to others. Examples include: identifying areas where risks may occur and/or delegating others to conduct risk assessments; taking responsibility for ensuring compliance with health and safety legislation and university practice-specific guidelines within defined areas or at an organisational level; acting as a point of reference for all staff and those carrying out risk assessments with regard to unusual and specific conditions. 11 PASTORAL CARE AND WELFARE (linear response) (A maximum of 65 points) This element covers the care of the physical and mental health and well-being of students, colleagues, staff and others within the organisation. It also includes patients or children in the role holders care. The requirements of the role should be taken into account, not the role holder's ability or personal inclination to provide such support to other people. The need for a counselling or similar professional qualification is specifically not mentioned in this element for, if required, it would be covered under Knowledge and Experience. Question 40 covers basic sensitivity to and consideration of other peoples needs or feelings and may include dealing with signs of obvious distress (for example, individuals in tears). If this is a common occurrence, for example where the role holder is responsible for a number of people, is the first point of contact for welfare issues and is expected to deal with these situations as a normal and routine part of their role, the evidence should be scored A. For all other situations, the evidence should be scored B. Question 41 refers to welfare issues that are covered by documented procedures, or when the matter can be referred to someone else for advice on how to respond. Examples include: providing support and advice to undergraduate students within existing policies; giving advice and guidance on standard sickness or compassionate leave arrangements; supporting those working while coping with bereavement; providing support to another member of staff, student or member of the public to deal with stress or other emotional demands that affect their work or study. Question 42 is the highest level and includes dealing with complex, severe and serious welfare issues. The role holder would be expected to deal with this level of issue as part of their role although it may represent the sort of difficulty that arises exceptionally. Typically the person needing help would be referred to the role holder by someone else. The role holder would be required to deal with and resolve the situation and would not be able to refer the person to anyone else in the organisation, only to professionals in other agencies. A person scoring A for this question is likely to be in a role with responsibilities for student/staff welfare such as Student Counsellor or HR Officer. Examples include: being responsible for providing expert guidance or therapeutic interventions to staff or students; helping an individual to deal with a life crisis such as bereavement or the breakdown of a close personal relationship, or those suffering from significant welfare issues such as work-related stress, addiction, depression, severe debt or homelessness. 12 TEAM DEVELOPMENT (linear response) (A maximum of 70 points) Team is used to mean a number of people (i.e. more than two) who work together to achieve a common purpose, and is the same definition as is used for Teamwork and Motivation. Training those outside the immediate work team should be included under Teaching and Learning Support. The analysis of corporate training needs would be covered under Planning and Organising Resources. The number of staff in the team may affect the frequency of the activity. Those responsible for training or identifying the development needs of only one or two people are likely therefore to score B. If a role holder has completely delegated any of the following responsibilities to others, the questions should be interpreted as not relevant and scored C. Question 43 is the lowest level and is for those who are expected to help other new or returning members of the team. Examples include: showing a new staff member around and introducing them to team members and staff in relevant areas; explaining administrative systems and procedures such as how to obtain stationery or expenses; explaining where to obtain material and how to use equipment used on a routine basis; advising where to go to obtain basic information about the organisation. A score of C for this question is unlikely and would only be given when the role holder works entirely alone. Most staff are usually expected to assist colleagues and help new starters settle in and so the B score would be used most often. Question 44 is used for those role holders with responsibility for providing training or instruction to other members of the work team. Coaching members of the work team formally or informally and providing internal training sessions are also covered here. Examples include: demonstrating how to operate a particular piece of machinery or equipment safely and in accordance with the manufacturers instructions; breaking the information down and explaining the reasons for and how to follow an operational procedure; discussing how to make improvements to a report making sure the team member makes notes recording learning points; showing a colleague how to use a computer-based application, providing feedback and helping to make improvements to level of use; describing different ways of analysing a set of data and helping a colleague decide which method to use; developing a team members presentation and technical writing skills. Question 45 is used for those role holders required to identify the training and development needs of the members of the work team. Examples include: analysing achievement of team objectives and identifying learning needs arising from shortfalls; providing feedback on performance and conducting regular staff appraisals and performance reviews; identifying and agreeing priorities with team members and follow-up actions necessary to satisfy any training or development needs. The role holder would normally be expected to ensure that agreed action is taken and follow up to ensure it has occurred. If a role holder is required to contribute to the coaching, development and instruction of others or has overall responsibility for the identification of need but is not directly involved and responsibility for doing so is held by others, this question should be scored B. 13 TEACHING AND LEARNING SUPPORT (matrix response) (A maximum of 95 points) All types of teaching and learning support provided to those outside the role holders immediate work team are covered by this element. This includes providing and organising training, facilitating staff development, creating and supporting formal and informal learning and development opportunities, producing and supporting distance learning, providing demonstrations, providing feedback and identifying ways of furthering learning and development, lecturing and mentoring students and others using the organisations facilities and services. This element is relevant to: lecturers who prepare and deliver lectures, seminars and tutorials to undergraduates, graduates, summer school or distance learning students, or for in-house courses; supervisors who direct the work of research and postgraduate students; librarians training others to use the library resources; language assistants demonstrating the use of a language laboratory; technicians demonstrating the use of machinery or equipment; administrative staff outlining new legislation or a procedure; those conducting training sessions e.g. on health and safety, first aid, recruitment and selection or assessment regulations; those responsible for organising staff development and training for staff and others outside the work team; those supervising work and assessing progress towards advanced qualifications. Question 46 is the lowest level and covers the provision of simple demonstrations or explanations given on a routine basis. Examples include: explaining the use of the library, computing or laboratory facilities to students, other staff or visitors; demonstrating how to operate simple equipment (such as a microscope, theodolite or photocopier) following basic safety procedures; demonstrating the basic functions of a piece of software; outlining the procedure for enrolling on a course or module; delivering standard information as part of the organisations staff or student induction procedure. Question 47 is used when the role holder is required to conduct short one-off training sessions or lectures and where there is some assessment of learners abilities and progress, and provision of feedback. Examples include: teaching how to operate complex machines, equipment or software; teaching how to conduct advanced literature or database searches; overseeing work experience placements; running staff training courses, e.g. on applying for research grants or using a computer program; coaching others on conducting a survey or research project. Question 48 applies to those role holders required to deliver a series of lectures or workshops or develop an on-going coaching, mentoring or teaching relationship with students or members of staff outside the work team. The role holder will monitor and assess progress and achievement and provide feedback and guidance to stimulate further development and learning. Examples include: delivering and assessing a course, module or part of an undergraduate degree scheme; acting as an academic supervisor; mentoring members of staff from outside the work team as part of a scheme; leading a substantial management or teaching and learning development programme. Question 49 is the highest level and is used for role holders required to take responsibility for and integrate a number of topics or parts of the syllabus or curriculum. The role holder would be required to guide students or members of staff from outside the work team in the search for general unifying principles and facilitate the development of the learners abilities to question and critique. A role holder would score B on question 49 if teaching a range of subjects demonstrating breadth and depth (i.e. from undergraduate to postgraduate and PhD students). A role holder is likely to score A on question 49 if s/he was a degree course director. Responses Response A is for those who are required to develop innovative approaches to the learning process. They will be responsible for the development of content, including carrying out original design of material or developing different modes of delivery. Those required to work at this level will be expected to engage in the scholarship of learning and learning processes. Response B is for those who design teaching or learning processes. This may involve repackaging existing material to make it suitable for a specific purpose or making minor modifications to the mode of delivery to suit the needs of the learners. Role holders at this level may need training and development, in addition to reflecting on their practice, to enable them to work at this level. Response C is for those who use standard information, deliver documented training (i.e. material developed by others) or use standard modes of delivery. Response D is when the level is not required. The following table shows how the matrix captures both the increasing complexity of the coverage and the increasingly demanding levels of responsibility for design of content and methods. ABCD46Designing and delivering a one-off innovative presentationDesigning and delivering a briefing or induction sessionExplaining the use of library, computing or laboratory facilities to students, other staff or visitorsNot required47Developing and delivering an interactive distance learning programmeDesigning and delivering a supervisory development courseDelivering a Health and Safety workshop / short one off training sessions or lecturesNot required48Adapting an existing course to use an innovative approach or methodologyDesigning and delivering a series of lectures on a particular topicDelivering and assessing a course, module, or part of an undergraduate degree schemeNot required49Developing pedagogic methodology across a range of subject areasDesigning a complete programme of studyUnlikely. No example yet foundNot required 14 KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE (single response) (A maximum of 80 points) Question 50: Knowledge acquired through education and qualifications is covered here, as well as that acquired through experience. All forms of knowledge, experience and qualifications should be considered here including academic awards, General and National Vocational Qualifications, RSA, BTEC and City and Guilds certificates and diplomas and professional qualifications. It is the requirement for the role that should be scored here, not the experience and qualifications that the role holder may possess. Response A is the highest level and is used for those roles whose holders are required to be held in high esteem by others for the effective performance of the role. This level of knowledge is not common and is acquired as a result of significant experience. The role holder typically is nationally and internationally renowned as a leading authority in a subject or specialism. The role holder is widely acknowledged within their profession or specialism as a leader in the field, and is required to maintain this position. Examples include: the provision of advice and opinion as a leading authority, nationally or internationally; academic leadership within a significant specialism at national or international level. Response B is for those roles whose holders need to be regarded as an authority in the area. The holder is required to have specialist expertise sufficient to challenge or lead thinking. The role holder is required to provide guidance or opinion and act as a source of expertise. This level of knowledge is generally acquired after extensive experience following formal qualification and is recognised by professional or public acclaim. The role holder will be expected to reflect on practice and engage in continuous professional development activities to keep his or her knowledge base and skills up to date, to develop them further and to contribute to the extension of understanding in the specialist area. Examples include: leading the teaching of a discipline or lead a significant area of research; providing leading expertise in the area in the organisation and providing strategic level or professional advice. Response C applies to those roles where the holder is required to possess specialist or professional knowledge of general principles. The role holder will be expected to reflect on practice and engage in continuous professional development activities to keep his or her knowledge base and skills up to date and to develop them further. Examples include: having sufficient knowledge or expertise to be approached by others for advice or guidance in the specific area (e.g. a professional or organisational policy); having sufficient expertise to deliver lectures or write authoritative material in a broad subject area; conducting an academic research project or be responsible for an industrial or in-company contract with the minimum amount of supervision. Often this level of knowledge is acquired after a period of prolonged study or possession of relevant experience. Response D applies to those roles requiring some knowledge of professional or technical practice generally requiring specific skills for a specific role. This level of knowledge is often demonstrated by the acquisition of a certificate after a period of practical and theoretical training or experience of the role. There may be a need to undergo periodic refresher and updating training. Examples include: the ability to interpret rules, procedures and regulations and provide advice to others on how they should be applied; knowledge and use of trade-specific regulations; first level management or supervisory skills; the ability to use a piece of complex scientific or electronic equipment, know how it works and when it is appropriate to use it. Response E describes those requiring the level of knowledge typically acquired following a short period of practical training and may include some elementary or introductory study. Examples include: knowledge of word processing packages; understanding the use of an established practice, procedure or techniques; the ability to set up basic laboratory equipment and follow simple analytical procedures; the ability to operate safely and properly an electrical drill, a switchboard or buffer machine. Response F is the lowest level. It is used for those roles that require a basic level of knowledge of how to carry out the role. This will typically be acquired through practice.     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