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A range of supporting information is available on the HSS Website:  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/labsafety.php.en" Lab Safety Safe Use of Equipment and Lab Hazards and  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/chemical-information.php.en" Lab Safety Chemicals and COSHH Location(s) RA CoversVariousPerson(s) RA CoversStaff (including visiting academics), students working in laboratory College / ServiceCollege School / SectionAll relevant Schools in CollegeRA Assessor(s)H&S OfficerContact Details01248 38 9999 Actions to be Reviewed ByH&S OfficerNext RA Review DateBefore start of each Academic Term or Following significant changes to work activities and substances and equipment used Ref NoWhat are the Hazards?Who/What is at Risk?Existing ControlsFurther ControlsAction ByAction CompleteSlips, Trips, Falls injuries if slip, trip, fall in lab due to poor housekeeping or floor maintained in an unsafe conditionStaff, studentsLab Managers monitor floor condition and take action as required All persons entering lab should wear suitable footwear, ie non-slip, flat, enclosed Bags and coats stored under work benches Screens ceiling mounted to remove risk of trailing cables Bench mounted electrical sockets available to mitigate risk of trailing cables from portable electrical appliances Sufficient storage with items stored, where possible away when not in use Regular checks undertaken by Lab Manager to confirm items stored correctly The Lab Manager and Academic Supervisor will monitor during lectures to ensure items stored away from walkways, exits etc Spill Procedures and Spill Kit in place. Appropriate materials provided to clear spillsReport spillages immediately and clear as per Emergency Spill Procedures Guidance available on  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/chemical-information.php.en" HSS Website Information Sheet 5 Emergency Spill ProcedureStaff / StudentsongoingElectrical Hazards injuries, fire, equipment damage if electrical items not suitable for environment or maintained in sound conditionStaff, studentsFixed electrical systems tested, inspected and maintained by competent contractor Every effort made to ensure portable electrical equipment is PAT Tested with label affixed to indicate this Trained Technical staff undertake PAT Testing using calibrated PAT Testers Portable electrical appliance database developed in CollegeRoutinely visually check electrical equipment to ensure PAT Tested. Arrange if required Confirm electrical equipment on database Ensure new / redundant items added / removed from database Ensure User Checks carried out -  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/chemical-information.php.en" HSS Website Information Sheet 2 Electrical Safety Report defects to Technical Staff immediately for actionLab Manager Staff / StudentsongoingPersonal Contamination / Exposure to Hazardous Substances (Chemical & Biological injuries, ill health if substances not handled correctly Staff, studentsCOSHH Assessments undertaken as required by the activity / substance to be used Good laboratory practices implemented Persons working in lab briefed in Laboratory Rules and Risk Assessment (also displayed) A large sign is displayed regarding not eating, drinking etc in lab Lab coats and suitable footwear should be worn at all times in lab Additional PPE eg gloves worn as directed with gloves in a range of sizes freely available Laboratory benches cleaned regularly Hand wash sinks, soap and paper towels available Ensure specific COSHH Assessments are undertaken for the use of all hazardous agents Ensure persons working in lab briefed in Laboratory Rules, Risk Assessment and additional COSHH Assessments as necessary Routinely monitor that persons in lab are wearing PPE, suitable footwear etc Ensure safe storage of all hazardous substances Display Hand Wash Sink signsLab Manager / Ac. Sup. Lab Manager ongoingSharps including Dissection Kits eg needles, scalpels, broken glass cuts, puncture wounds from needlestick / sharps injuries Staff, studentsPersons instructed to take care when using scalpels, syringes, glass ware, dissection kits Plastic cover slips used where possible Most scalpel injuries occur when changing blades. Students given specific instruction on this and / or staff change blades Sharps containers available for safe disposal Designated broken glass bins available Persons instructed to report breakagesSharps containers to be closed when full and disposed of promptly via Specialist Waste Contractor Broken glass to be disposed of in designated bin Remind persons to report all sharps injuriesLab Manager All persons ongoingManual Handling injuries / ill health from incorrect handlingStaff, studentsTeam lifting for heavy items and / or arranged through Facilities Team Regularly used equipment, heavy items and breakables stored at low level Arrange manual handling training for staff if felt necessary Remind staff to report health concerns which could affect their ability to lift etcH&S Officer ongoingStorage poor housekeeping creating trip hazards, risk of falling objects, potential fire riskStaff, studentsMaterials and equipment should be stored appropriate ie heavy items and glassware below shoulder height Steps / step up stool provided where necessaryMonitor storage / housekeeping and take action as required Establish, 6 monthly visual inspection of steps / step up stools with labels affixed to indicate completeLab Manager ongoingEmergency Procedures eg Fire, First Aid injuries worsening / incident escalating if delay in responding Staff, studentsAll personnel receive a H&S Induction before working in Laboratory which includes emergency arrangements First Aid Posters displayed which detail first aid arrangements Ensure records of H&S Inductions kept Periodically check arrangements (eg First Aid Box & Posters, Fire Action Notices) to ensure contents / details up to date Ensure staff and students aware of 333 emergency number for Security SectionLab Manager ongoingSpills of Hazardous Substances injuries, ill health from contact with spilled materials Staff, studentsSee Emergency Procedures above Emergency Spill Procedures displayed and equipment eg Spill Kits provided Emergency Spill Procedures should be considered as part of COSHH Assessments and appropriate to substances being handled Bins available to store materials used to clean spills until correct disposal Emergency Showers available where needed which are checked as per legionella requirements by a competent contractor See Emergency Procedures above Fire injuries or property damage if a fire occurred as a result of substances and equipment being used incorrectlyStaff, students, Emergency ServicesSee Emergency Procedures & Electrical Hazards Building fitted with fire detection and notification system which is tested, inspected and maintained by a competent contractor Fire Action Notices displayed Fire extinguishers available which are maintained by a competent contractor Technicians carry out Fire Drills and fire alarm checks as required with records kept of this Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans arranged for those with accessibility issues Emergency Services informed of potential fire hazards within the building Fire risks should be considered as part of COSHH Assessments and appropriate to substances being handledSee Emergency Procedures & Electrical Hazards Ensure specific Risk / COSHH Assessment in place for all processes which could introduce a heightened fire risk  Ac. Sup. ongoingEmergencies fire, first aid, delay in responding to an accident / incident due to unfamiliarity with proceduresStaff, studentsSee Accessibility above Building fitted with fire detection and notification system Fire Action Notices displayed detailing evacuation procedure and Assembly Point First Aid signs displayed detailing First Aid arrangements Refuge Points fitted in buildings with lifts for persons unable to evacuate via the stairs New persons should receive an Induction which includes emergency arrangementsSee Accessibility above Periodically check first aid arrangements (First Aid Box, Posters) to ensure contents / details up to date Perform regular recorded, fire alarm operation checks (or contact Security) Arrange twice yearly fire drills (one announced, one unannounced) with details recorded Inform persons with accessibility issues about Refuge Points Lab Manager Technician Lab Managerongoing  The following are common items of laboratory equipment. More detailed guidance and Information Sheets are available on the  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/labsafety.php.en" HSS Website. Autoclaves burns, manual handling, chemical and biological hazards, fireStaff, studentsUse restricted to authorized trained personnel Autoclave operated in accordance with  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/labsafety.php.en" Information Sheet LS4 Safe Use of Autoclaves eg efficacy checks, User Log Book, appropriate gloves to handle hot items Reference to specific COSHH Assessments as required Annual maintenance by competent contractor Item regularly inspected for electrical safety Ensure training records maintained Confirm item on Insurance Schedule to ensure vessel examined as per Pressure Systems Safety Regulations All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory Manager Lab Manager Staff / StudentsongoingMicrowave Oven burns, chemical and biological hazards, fireStaff, studentsMicrowave operated in accordance with  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/labsafety.php.en" Information Sheet LS3 Safe Use of Microwaves eg appropriate gloves available to handle hot items Reference to specific COSHH Assessments as required Item regularly inspected for electrical safety All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory Manager Staff / StudentsongoingFumehoods potential exposure to hazardous vapours, gases and particulates, fireStaff, studentsFumehood operated in accordance with  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/labsafety.php.en" Information Sheet LS6 Safe Use of Fumehoods Reference to specific COSHH Assessments as required Annual maintenance by competent contractor Periodically check sash alarm operation All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory Manager Technician Staff / Studentsongoing Micro and Mini Centrifuges mechanical injuries, chemical and biological hazardsStaff, studentsOperated in accordance with  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/labsafety.php.en" Information Sheet LS5 Safe Use of Micro Centrifuges Reference to specific COSHH Assessments as required Item regularly inspected for electrical safetyPeriodically check interlock works record All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory Manager Technician Staff / StudentsongoingMicroscopes frequent use can lead to eye strain, headache, upper limb disorders. Risk of exposure to hazardous substances. Sharp risk if slip breaksStaff, studentsUsers trained in correct set up and use of microscopes including need to take regular breaks Plastic slips used where possible Height adjustable chairs supplied Reference to specific COSHH Assessments as required Item regularly inspected for electrical safetyIf liquid spilt on microscope isolate power before cleaning All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory ManagerStaff / Students ongoingPCR Machine -exposure to hazardous substances, burnsStaff, studentsUser instruction provided Reference to specific COSHH Assessments as required Warning notices displayed about hot components Item regularly inspected for electrical safetyAll defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory ManagerStaff / StudentsongoingHeating Blocks / Hot Plates burns, contact with sharps if containers break, fire if incorrect container used or substances heated incorrectly, exposure to hazardous materialsStaff, studentsUser instruction provided Reference to specific COSHH Assessments as required Warning notices displayed Heat resistant gloves available for use Suitable heat and chemical resistant containers provided Materials should not be left unattended on hotplate / heating block Item regularly inspected for electrical safetyIf liquid spilt isolate power and allow to cool before cleaning All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory Manager Ensure item switched off after useStaff / Students ongoingBalances / PH Meters exposure to hazardous substancesStaff, studentsReference to specific COSHH Assessments as required Balances cleaned after use Item regularly inspected for electrical safetyIf spill occurs isolate power before cleaning All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory ManagerStaff / Students ongoingUV Illuminator burns to skin, eyes from UV light, exposure to ethidium bromideStaff, studentsUser instruction provided see  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/artificalopticalradiation.php.en" Information Sheet Safe Use of UV Equipment Reference to specific ethidium bromide COSHH Assessments UV light interlocked with operation of door Nitrile gloves worn when handling gels containing ethidium bromide Item regularly inspected for electrical safetyPeriodically check interlock works record All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory Manager Staff / Students ongoingElectrophoresis Equipment and Power Supply electric shock, exposure to hazardous chemicals, particularly ethidium bromide when handling agarose gelStaff, studentsUser instruction provided Reference to specific COSHH Assessments Nitrile gloves worn when handling agarose gel and electrophoresis equipment Gel tanks regularly checked for cracks, leaks, exposed wires Gel tank lids firmly closed before switching on electrical supply Item regularly inspected for electrical safetyIf spill occurs isolate power and inform Lab Manager All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory ManagerStaff / Students ongoingWater Bath electrical hazards, contact with hot surfaces, legionella riskStaff, studentsHeat resistant gloves and tongs available User instruction provided Guidance in  HYPERLINK "/hss/inflink/legion.php.en" Legionella Guide for Colleges and Departments followedEach month run water bath for one hour at 60OC. Record to confirm undertaken All defects to be reported immediately to Laboratory ManagerLab Manager Staff / StudentsongoingREMEMBER: Arrangements must be in place to communicate new and / or revised Risk Assessments to relevant persons. Older versions must be removed from use (e.g. Folders, Website, My ɫ, Blackboard, Notice Boards) and filed for future reference/archive.     RA TitleGeneral Laboratory EnvironmentVersion Number1Page  PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1 of  NUMPAGES \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8 RA TitleVersion NumberPage  PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1 of  NUMPAGES \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8 NOTE: Arrangements must be in place to communicate new and / or revised Risk Assessments to relevant persons. Older versions must be removed from use (e.g. Folders, Website, My ɫ, Blackboard, Notice Boards) and filed for future reference/archive.  $%56789:Uxyǻy`UJ?70 h*hS-hS-hS-5h;CJ^JaJh,xQ;CJ^JaJhbhS-B* ph0hbhS-5B* CJOJQJaJmH phsH hS-hS-5B*^Jphh`h^JhS-hS-hS-CJjh dUmHnHuh dhS-B*CJ(aJphh dB*CJ(aJphh B*CJ(aJphh B* CJ(aJph hS-hS-5B*CJaJphhS-hS-B*CJaJph689:UyaWIId$IfgdS- dgd dakd$$Ifl0V17a36 t9644 lapyt d$ B#$Ifa$gdS- B#d$Ifgd  B#d$Ifgd dy xx$IfgdS-gdS- dgd dFf $IfgdS-d$IfgdS-d$Ifgd!]  k m 𶠑ztzjzd^VJVjh^U^JaJh^^JaJ h^^J h^Jh,xQh,xQ5^J h\^J h,xQ^JhS-hS-hS-CJmH sH hS-hS-5B*^Jph*hS-5B* CJOJQJaJmH phsH 0h dhS-5B* CJOJQJaJmH phsH hS-hS-5CJhS-hS-B*^Jphh B*^Jph h*hS-hS-hS-5 xk xx$Ifgd^ xx$Ifgd,xQykd$$Ifls 89  t 096YYYYYYYYYYYY44 lap yt!k ( ) . / } ~    䱪{naWaaWMWChwq;B*^JphhNLB*^JphhB*^JphhS-hS-CJmH sH h? hS-B* CJph0h dhS-5B* CJOJQJaJmH phsH *hS-5B* CJOJQJaJmH phsH  hB0BhS-hS-hS-5B*^Jphjh^U^JaJh^^JaJh^h^0J^JaJjh^U^JaJjh^U^JaJ  }pppc xx$IfgdNL xx$IfgdS- dgd dgdS-pkd$$Ifls 89 t096YYY44 lap yt!k     / 0 8 9 I J N W i j k y z    \ ^ ޷ڡxixhThT5B*^JphhTB*^Jphh,xQhS-hS-5mH sH h dhS-CJOJQJaJh"6hS-CJhS-hS-B*^Jphh!]B*^Jphh B*^JphhS-hS-5B*^JphhS-hS-hS-CJmH sH hB*^Jphh,xQB*^Jph&  0 + xx$IfgdS-kd[$$Ifl\s Z6% 8 E  t(0YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY9644 lap(yt!k0 9 J j xx$Ifgd xx$IfgdS- xx$Ifgd j k z 1$ xx$IfgdS-kdd $$Ifl\s Z6% 8 E  t0YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY9644 lap(yt!kz d$Ifgd,xQ xx$IfgdS- xx$Ifgd + ]gdS-kda $$Ifl\s Z6% 8 E  t(0YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY9644 lap(yt!k  ] d$IfgdT$If]gdS-d$IfgdS- ~d]~gd d] ^ kdp $$Iflrs ?Z6% 8 *  t(096YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY44 lap2yt!k^ _ ` a c VWfgƷƷƷƷ~ri^V^N^Fh,xQ^JaJhNL^JaJh `f^JaJh`hb^JaJh,xQ5^JaJh`hb;^JaJh`h`^JaJh`htB*^JaJphhGX5B*^JaJph h`ht5B*^JaJphhS-htB*^JaJph hS-ht5B*^JaJphh>.^hCJ^JaJh`hVCJ^JaJjh~UmHnHu^ ` a c j } & Fd<<$Ifgd!kFfc$d$Ifa$gdmNG$d$Ifa$gdq$d$Ifa$gdGX$d$Ifa$gd~[$d$Ifa$gd,XX dgd!] dgdd Wg&`h;+<DEFf($<<$Ifa$gd!k & Fd<<$If^`gd,xQ & Fd<<$If^`gd,xQd<<$Ifgd!kd<<$Ifgd `f`:;)*+;<CDEFX[ɭɢ藌vjaVNVh `f^JaJh`h^JaJh `f5^JaJh`h;^JaJh`hb^JaJh,xQhb^JaJh,xQh,xQ^JaJh`h1#^JaJhsMh,xQ^JaJh,xQh,xQ0J^JaJjh,xQU^JaJjh,xQU^JaJh-t^JaJhh,xQ^JaJh,xQ^JaJh `f^JaJh^JaJEF0#|wwww & Fd<<$If^`gd & Fd<<$If^`gd `f & Fd<<$If^`gdd<<$Ifgdd<<$Ifgd `f & Fd<<$Ifgd /0"#{|QRSstwƾƢƾҾ}rj_h,xQh^JaJh)^JaJh. h `f^JaJh)^JaJh^JaJh `fh `f^JaJh `f0J^JaJh,xQh `f0J^JaJjhh `fU^JaJh `f^JaJjh `fU^JaJh `fh^JaJh^JaJh `f^JaJh`h^JaJhNL^JaJ"d<<$Ifgd `f & Fd<<$Ifgd. 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