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The following key items were noted: A Capital Projects company has been appointed to manage capital programme works of 250k and above. A Hard Facilities Management (FM) company, Integral, has been appointed to manage hard FM work. The contractor will commence in March 2019. Data currently held on PLANON will be transferred to MAXIMO the new FM Contractors software management system. The PACS Helpdesk will operate 8am 6pm, Monday to Friday with the FM Contractor providing an out of hours service. Performance Reports will be provided on a monthly basis and will include legal compliance. The proposed PACS reorganisation will seek to integrate general maintenance, security and facilities and will more clearly align to the new external contractor arrangement. A discussion ensued in which the following points were raised and / or clarification was given: It was confirmed that the data transferred to MAXIMO is the property of the University and will transfer to the University at the end of the contract period. Clarification on terminology and the use of non-compliance, which implies legal requirements, was given and it was noted that the new Contract will introduce a higher performance standard than currently operates and meet the various legal requirements. It was confirmed that the new performance standards will meet both legislative requirements and other industry guidance, such as British Standards. It was confirmed that the Safety & Compliance Managers responsibilities will be subsumed into the new Contract Performance Managers role. This in relation to the FM Contractor and internal PACS activities. Discussions are ongoing to ensure bi-lingual requirements of a Help Desk are met. The FM Contractor is currently analysing and interrogating PLANON data as part of a process to ensure transference of correct and complete data to MAXIMO and to ensure critical health and safety data is not lost. The FM Contractor was appointed from a National Framework approved by the Government Office for Wales with two of the six framework companies tendering. Both scored above the minimum requirements on health and safety. A report is available from the Deputy Director (Procurement & Payments). ACTION: JS to make report available to the Committee Relevant PACS functions have been asked to submit Risk Assessments to address changes in working practices arising from the FM Contract. The FM Contractor will be responsible for risk assessments for their work activities. It was confirmed contractors engaged in the FM Contract must attend appropriate Inductions (General, Laboratory Safety, Halls) before commencing work at the University. Concern was expressed at the lateness of this with contractors commencing in March. ACTION: JS to confirm Induction arrangements with FM Contractor553.UNIVERSITY HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT Every three years the Universitys General Statement of Health and Safety is reviewed to ensure its continued suitability and effectiveness. A draft revised Policy Statement, with minor technical changes and the introduction of new inclusivity commitments and objectives, was circulated to members of the H&S Committee for consultation in December 2018 with observations and suggestions requested by 14th January 2019. The notable changes are as (v.) and (xvi.): Enable and promote inclusivity and safeguard those with additional needs. Utilise health and safety risk assessments and controls to promote inclusivity and support reasonable adjustments that, where reasonably practicable, enable participation and safeguards those with additional needs. No observations or suggestions from members of the Health and Safety Committee had been received. The Policy Statement will now proceed to the University Council for its approval, and subsequent adoption. 554. 554(a)SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Radiation Health and Safety Sub-Committee Report The Sub-Committee met on the 22nd January 2019 with the following key items noted: The University Laser Safety Officer attended the Sub-Committee and provided a summary of the type of laser work currently undertaken. Work with Open Sources: In 2018, the radioactive element 125I was not used. 32P use increased, driven by research work in the field of cancer research. The ECW laboratory continues to be the busiest radiation laboratory. There is an urgent need for extra space to accommodate the number of samples generated whilst providing sufficient bench workspace. Stocks: Several stock checks were undertaken in 2018. In all cases stocks were found in the correct location with required records in place. It was noted that on occasions the combined stock for sulphur and phosphorous isotopes have reached 80% - 90% of the authorised limit and therefore a request to Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to raise the limit will be made. Radon: The radon risk assessment is due for review and it is hoped a desk-top exercise will suffice in most cases. To inform the risk assessment, Property and Campus Services (PACS) have been requested to supply information regarding changes of use in any buildings or structural changes impacting on heating or ventilation that could have an effect on radon concentrations. Once received, an assessment against previous radon results will be undertaken to identify buildings that require a measurement of indicative radon concentrations. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Counter Terrorism Wales Inspection: The annual inspection of the sealed source went well with a 0 score received, indicating there were no issues. Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA) Visits: The RPA visited the Radiography facility in Wrexham to confirm suitability of X-ray management arrangements within the School. In addition, the RPA provided two Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) Refresher Training courses: one aimed at RPSs working with X-rays, the other for RPSs working with open sources. Hard Facilities Management (FM) Contractor: Concerns were expressed regarding the appointment of the new FM Contractor and the importance of ensuring the correct information regarding risks, controls and standards is conveyed. It was acknowledged that the support of PACS staff and their local knowledge has been essential. Assurance is sought regarding how critical hazard information will be incorporated into and managed in the new arrangements. 554(b)Chemical and Biological Health and Safety Sub-Committee Report The Sub-Committee met on the 17th January 2019. The following key items were noted: Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Visit: The Regulatory Compliance Officer and the Specialist HSE Inspector inspected GMO areas on 28th March 2018 with only minor issues raised. The Plant Growth Room has now relocated to a new facility in Thoday. All GMO Risk Assessments have been updated as required. Biohazards Review: Two reviews of GMO / Class 2 Facilities undertaken in 2018. It was noted that in December it was evident that standards in some areas were not as high as those previously found. Those areas affected still met the basic standards for compliance with relevant legislation but fell short of internal standards. Most issues related to poor housekeeping and a failure to maintain complete area disinfection records. A further review is planned for February 2019 to follow up on actions. Health Surveillance: A document regarding the Universitys current health surveillance arrangements, established in accordance with legislative requirements or based on a risk assessment process was provided. The majority of surveillance is for respiratory factors or hand arm vibration. It was noted the demand for surveillance will increase due to the rise in animal work. Snakes: There are plans to increase the range of venomous snakes held and to initiate a breeding programme. There will be no substantial increase in the numbers of snakes held. Property and Campus Services (PACS): Concern was expressed regarding the appointment of the new FM Contractor and the potential for test / inspection / maintenance of critical items of plant and equipment to be missed. It was requested that staff are reminded to be vigilant and to monitor plant and equipment etc. locally to ensure test / inspection / maintenance periods are met. 555.HEALTH AND SAFETY TASK GROUP Since the last meeting of the Health and Safety Committee, the Task Group has met twice. At those meetings the following key items were noted: Policy Reviews: As per the Policy Review Schedule a number of revised Policy Standards (Risk Assessment, Safety of Electrical Equipment, Out of Hours Working and New & Expectant Mothers) were discussed and agreed. Revisions include minor amendments and technical and terminology changes. In addition, the Small Unmanned Aircraft Policy (Drones) Policy amended in light of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) changes and which will now allow non-CAA approved drone Pilots to use drones for non-commercial University activities was agreed. Training for Senior Staff: The training will be scheduled next semester. An alternative course provider is under consideration. Overseas Travel Advice: A formal meeting took place with the new Overseas Travel Advice provider and the Universitys insurers, UMAL to discuss the implications of the change. UMAL are currently appraising the request to upgrade from the basic Traveller to the Travel Pro version which will offer staff and students a service comparable to that of the previous travel advice supplier. Fire Safety and Asbestos (Update) Report: An update report was received to assure the Task Group of the arrangements put in place by PACS to manage asbestos and building fire risk assessments. Staff Sickness Absence: A report on the Universitys 17/18 Staff Sickness Absence performance against the HE Section was considered. A discussion ensued with the following points noted: The Task Group now receives a quarterly Sickness Absence report so it is better able to assess trends in-year. A revised Absence Management Policy is awaiting issue, which will be supported by training for Managers and others as required and which should better support staff. A new Employee Assistance Programme is to replace the current counselling provision and provides much more support to Staff. 556.ANY OTHER BUSINESS No items were raised. The next H&S Committee is scheduled as follows: Wednesday 5th June 2019, 2.30pm, Cledwyn 3       PAGE 3 /0:<>?FJKLMW[\]fnpŹ{ocoWK?huh {5OJQJhuh315OJQJhuhq@5OJQJhuhQ]5OJQJhuh55OJQJh3:hM5OJQJh\ghM5OJQJh\gh#_(5OJQJh\ghq@5OJQJh\ghq@5H*OJQJh\gh5OJQJh\ghMOJQJh3:hMCJOJQJaJh3:hzOJQJh3:h\vOJQJh3:hMOJQJ/09:LMVWU }odx$Ifgd9Vkd$$Ifl0%" t%644 lalyt d$Ifgd d$Ifgd-Tdgd-T $da$gd-T p}  - < S T U V ` a Ϸ۫ۇ{ocWLAh\ghMOJQJh\ghQ]OJQJh3:hM5OJQJhuh-5OJQJhuhex 5OJQJhuhM5OJQJhuh#Zk5OJQJhuhv5OJQJhuhz5OJQJhuhELz5OJQJhuhN25OJQJhuhW5OJQJhuh\2%5OJQJhuh95OJQJhuh,5OJQJhuhh5OJQJU V a ~dx$Ifgdo/dx$Ifgdl$dx$Ifgd-TVkdZ$$Ifl0%" t%644 lalyta k y z Ϸth\PD6Dhuh5H*OJQJhuh5OJQJhuhq@5OJQJhuh%5OJQJhuh;`5OJQJhuhO`\5OJQJhuh'OJQJh\gh'OJQJh\ghhOJQJh\ghOJQJh\gh vOJQJh3:hM5OJQJhuh'5OJQJhuh5OJQJhuh95OJQJhuh\g5OJQJhuhZ5OJQJ }$dh$Ifa$gdCdx$Ifgd-T d$IfgdVkd$$Ifl0%" t%644 lalyt  / M N O P U q v 1 @ J y һvk`U`I@I@hg5OJQJhuh*oh5OJQJhuhaI+OJQJhuhOJQJh3:hOJQJhuh>5Oϴ95Oϴ5Oϴϴ˲ϴ˲ϴ3:'ϴ65Oϴ%5Oϴ x y ijϽƴϨƨƜϨƨƐƐ~uhC85OJQJhC5OJQJhsZ5OJQJhuhsZ5OJQJhuhGv&5OJQJhuhg 5OJQJh@5OJQJhg5OJQJh9y5OJQJhuh95OJQJhuh1+5OJQJhuh5OJQJhuh*oh5OJQJ)(7<Ajm}~#(JZ[iƽƴƨҨƴƴƴƴƨƓhuhaI+5OJQJhuh5OJQJhC85OJQJhuhGv&5OJQJhg5OJQJhC5OJQJhuhg 5OJQJh9y5OJQJhuhsZ5OJQJhuh95OJQJh9yhg5OJQJ56 fFl` d$IfgdXkd$$Ifl0%! t%644 lalytu & Fdh$If^`gd & Fdx$Ifgddx$Ifgd9 iuy,69KUj /0X\efgot}+.EFMVaúî箺ۓ爀ulllllۜh%5OJQJhuhGv&OJQJhZOJQJhuhsZOJQJh9y5OJQJhZ5OJQJhC85OJQJhuh0P0d0k0|0}0~0000000000000絧͙ۍۍ{{ۍof[P[h!;=56OJQJhu56OJQJh 5OJQJh7D*h\g5OJQJhC5OJQJhU]Y5OJQJh7D*h~S$5OJQJh7D*h~S$56OJQJh7D*hI56OJQJh7D*hI 5OJQJh7D*h 5OJQJh7D*h 56OJQJh7D*h*oh5OJQJh7D*hI5OJQJh7D*hE5OJQJ001 1?1L1j1x1111111232R2c2g2n2o2q2|222222C3i3333333ڑsh]h3:hOJQJh3:h OJQJh7D*h^]5OJQJh_}5OJQJhU]Y5OJQJh7D*5OJQJh7D*hZ5OJQJh7D*h 5OJQJh7D*h 56OJQJh7D*hZ56OJQJh7D*h!;=5OJQJh%5OJQJhu5OJQJh!;=5OJQJh!;=56OJQJ#33344K4L4w4~m^R $$Ifa$gdq@$d$Ifa$gdq@$dx$Ifa$gddh$Ifgd3:dx$Ifgd d$IfgdXkdB$$Ifl0%! t%644 lalytu334444$4(414244454?4L4W4Y4v4w4x4y4z4{4}4~444}odYMEAEAEhmjhmUhmhp5OJQJhmhOJQJhELzhOJQJh^hq@5OJQJaJh^hq@H*OJQJaJh^hq@OJQJaJhB9OJQJh^hq@OJQJh^hOJQJh^hOJQJhCOJQJh3:h5OJQJh3:h 5OJQJh3:h3:5OJQJh3:hOJQJhOJQJw4x4y4z4|4}44444444444$a$gdZdgd-TXkd$$Ifl:0%! t%644 lalytu$dx$Ifa$gdq@4444444444444¾hmhp5OJQJh9yhZh9yCJaJjh9y0JU*h0JmHnHu h9y0Jjh9y0JUjhmUhm 21h:p7. 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