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The scheme is not a list of the actual publications, because this will change as new material is published or existing material revised. It is, however, the public authoritys commitment to make available the information described. 2.2 A publication scheme must set out the classes, or categories, of information published. It must also make clear how the information described can be accessed and whether or not charges will be made. 3. Who we are The North Wales Metropolitan Area Network is a Consortium of Higher and Further Education establishments in North and Mid-Wales created to procure, install and run a data network serving their needs and connected to the SuperJANET core network. 4. Accessing information covered by the publication scheme 4.1 The classes of information we publish are described in the second part of the scheme. Any exceptions are noted in the descriptions of the different classes of information. These will generally be for reasons related to the Data Protection Act, security, or commercial sensitivity. 4.2 Next to each class we have indicated the manner in which the information described will be available and any applicable fees for the provision of the information. Our preferred means of publications is in electronic format via the organisations website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nwman.ac.uk" http://www.nwman.ac.uk 4.3 To request information available through our publication scheme, other than via the University website, please contact: Regional Network Support Officer, North Wales Metropolitan Area Network, ɫ, Adeilad Deiniol, Deiniol Road, ɫ. LL57 2UX. Tel 01248 382405. 4.4 Please note that a publication scheme relates to published information. Therefore, material covered has already been prepared in a format ready for distribution. 5. What about information not covered by the publication scheme? 5.1 From 1 January 2005 you will have the right, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, to request any information held by a public authority which it has not already made available through its publication scheme. 5.2 Requests will have to be made in writing and, in general, public authorities will have 20 working days to respond. They may charge a fee, which will have to be calculated according to Fees Regulations. They will not be required to release information to which an exemption in the Act legitimately applies. However, public authorities may be required to explain to the applicant why they are not releasing information and they may also have to justify this to the Information Commissioner. 6. Feedback 6.1 It is important that this publication scheme meets your needs. If you find the scheme difficult to understand, please let us know. We also welcome suggestions as to how our scheme might be improved. Any questions, comments or complaints about this scheme should be sent in writing to the Publication Scheme Co-ordinator below. Gwenan Owen Assistant Registrar Registrars Office ɫ College Road, ɫ Gwynedd LL57 2DG 6.2 If we are unable to resolve any complaint, you can complain to the Information Commissioner, the independent body who oversees the Freedom of Information Act: Information Commissioner Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF 7. Further information More information about the Freedom of Information Act is available on the Information Commissioners website at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk" www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk Classes of Information included in the Publication Scheme Class 1. Legal Framework This class contains information relating to how the consortium was established, its standing from the point of view of the law and a description of its activities. Most of the information in this class can be found in the Memorandum of Agreement, which is available from: Regional Network Support Officer, North Wales Metropolitan Area Network, ɫ, Adeilad Deiniol, Deiniol Road, ɫ. LL57 2UX. Tel 01248 382405. The North Wales Metropolitan Area Network consortium is formed under a Memorandum of Agreement between the members and is led by University of Wales, ɫ. The consortium members are: ɫ Coleg Harlech, Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Coleg Menai, Coleg Powys, Deeside College, Llandrillo College, Llysfasi College, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education. Welsh College of Horticulture Yale College of Wrexham Fee Information in this class is made available free of charge. Exemptions Information that may damage the commercial interests of the company will be exempt from publication. Class 2. Finance This section covers information on the companys management of financial resources and is available from: Regional Network Support Officer, North Wales Metropolitan Area Network, ɫ, Adeilad Deiniol, Deiniol Road, ɫ. LL57 2UX. Tel 01248 382405. Finances for the consortium are controlled and audited under the Finance Regulations for the lead institution, University of Wales, ɫ. Fee Information in this class is made available free of charge. Exemptions Information that may damage the commercial interests of the company or which is covered under the terms of the Data Protection Act will be exempt from publication. Class 3. Minutes of Board Meetings This class contains minutes from Board meetings including information about how decisions are taken. Information in this class is not routinely available as it contains commercially sensitive information. Fee Information in this class is made available free of charge. Exemptions Information that may damage the commercial interests of the company will be exempt from publication. Class 4. Officers This class is a list of Officers of the consortium, which is available from: Regional Network Support Officer, North Wales Metropolitan Area Network, ɫ, Adeilad Deiniol, Deiniol Road, ɫ. LL57 2UX. Tel 01248 382405. Fee Information in this class is made available free of charge. 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