Proposal to establish the Dr Eilir Hedd Morgan ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É Scholarship fund
Following the untimely death of Dr Eilir Morgan on 1st April 2013 the School of Ocean Sciences proposes to establish a fund in his memory. A group of close friends of Eilir’'s convened to discuss the purpose of the fund and it was agreed that we would invite donations and, depending on the sum of money raised, we have proposed that the fund has a lifetime of ten years and that the capital in the fund is used in one or of the following ways:
1) To provide annually a 5-week summer research placement for a Welsh medium second year undergraduate Marine Biology student to undertake research work alongside an SOS member of staff
2) To establish a slate memorial on the foreshore at Tal-y-Foel to commemorate Eilir’s research on the Bluff oyster that inhabits the lower intertidal shore close to the Sea Zoo.
3) To provide annually a £100 prize for the best first year PhD talk at the annual College of Natural Sciences postgraduate research student conference.
4) To purchase and plant a Bardsey apple tree in a convenient place in the grounds of the School of Ocean Sciences. The fruit of the tree to be shared annually by staff and students in SOS.
Donations can be made (cheque, payable to ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É, and by credit card or Direct debit) and sent to Paula Fleck in the Development Office, ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É, Gwynedd. Ocean Sciences Staff can make donations through Lorna Roberts in Menai Bridge.
Dylan and Frankie Evans Directors of the Sea Zoo have agreed, initially for 5 years, to employ annually a Welsh medium language undergraduate student for 10 weeks during the summer vacation to act as a guide in the interpretation of the sea zoo aquaria and exhibits. In addition they have also pledged annually a £500 donation (for the first 5 years) to support a summer research placement. SOS has decided to match these funds annually and the student placement will be called the "Eilir Hedd Morgan Sw Môr Môn" summer placement. This summer research placement would be available to all Marine Biology 1st and 2nd year undergraduate students and be in addition to 1) above.
Publication date: 4 June 2013