Modules for course W3R8 | BA/MUSML
BA Music and Modern Languages
Year 1 Modules
Compulsory Modules Modern Languages
Students must take 40 credits of
language modules, by selecting a pair of language modules at
the appropriate level in their chosen language.
Chinese The student must take between 0 and 40
credits from the modules.
LZC-1004 Chinese for Beginners 2
(Semester 2)
French The student must take between 0 and 40
credits from the modules.
German The student must take between 0 and 40
credits from the modules.
Italian The student must take between 0 and 40
credits from the modules.
Spanish The student must take between 0 and 40
credits from the modules.
Compulsory Modules Music History Modules
The student must take a minimum of
20 credits from the modules in Music History Modules. The
same module cannot be taken in English and Welsh.
WXM-1300 Music since 1850
(Semester 1)
WXC-1300 Cerddoriaeth Ers 1850
(Semester 1)
WXC-1301 Cerddoriaeth fel Hanes Diwylli
(Semester 2)
WXM-1301 Music as Cultural History
(Semester 2)
Optional Modules Modern Languages
The student must take 20 credits
from the modules.
QXL-1110 Introduction to Language
(Semester 1)
LXE-1700 Creating National Histories
(Semester 1)
QXL-1113 Language and Society
(Semester 1)
QCL-1018 Disgrifio Iaith
(Semester 1)
QCB-1113 Iaith a Chymdeithas
(Semester 1)
LXE-1600 Transnational Cultures
(Semester 2)
Music Options The student must take 20-40 credits from
the modules in Music Options, ensuring that the total number
of Music credits taken adds up to 60. The same module cannot
be taken in English and Welsh.
WXC-1016 Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 1
(Full Term)
WXP-1016 Solo Performance Year 1
(Full Term)
WXM-1004 Melody and Harmony
(Semester 1)
WXK-1113 Composition and Sonic Art A
(Semester 1)
WXC-1004 Melodi a Harmoni
(Semester 1)
WXC-1113 Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig A
(Semester 1)
WXC-1114 Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig B
(Semester 2)
WXK-1114 Composition and Sonic Art B
(Semester 2)
Year 2 Modules
Compulsory Modules Modern Languages
Student must select one of the
languages in this group. The language module is core and
must be passed in order to progress to the final
LCF-2040 Sgiliau Iaith Ffrangeg
(Full Term)
LCS-2040 Iaith Sbaeneg 1
(Full Term)
LZC-2040 Chinese Language Skills
(Full Term)
LZS-2040 Spanish Language 1
(Full Term)
LZG-2040 Gegenwartssprache I
(Full Term)
LZI-2040 Italian Language 1
(Full Term)
LZF-2040 French Language Skills
(Full Term)
Music Compulsory Modules
The student must take between 20
and 60 credits from the modules.
WXK-2235 Acousmatic Composition
(Semester 1)
WXM-2205 Practical Musicology
(Semester 2)
Musicology Year 2 The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2011 Cerddoleg Blwyddyn 2
(Semester 2)
WXM-2011 Musicology Year 2
(Semester 2)
Composition Year 2 The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2233 Cyfansoddi Blwyddyn 2
(Semester 2)
WXK-2233 Composition Year 2
(Semester 2)
Solo Performance Year 2
The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2241 Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 2
(Full Term)
WXP-2241 Solo Performance Year 2
(Full Term)
Optional Modules Modern Languages
The student must take 20 credits
from the modules.
LXG-2013 The Divided Germany
(Full Term)
LXS-2028 Galician
(Semester 1)
LXC-2200 Contemporary Chinese Studies
(Semester 1)
LXE-2025 Reading Fantastic Literatures
(Semester 2)
QXL-2253 English Teaching in Classroom
(Semester 2)
LXI-2010 Making of the Italian Nation
(Semester 2)
Music Optional Modules The student must take between 0 and 40
credits from the modules in Music Optional Module, ensuring
that the total number of Music credits taken adds up to
WXP-2307 Ensembles and Groups A
(Semester 1)
WXM-2304 Genres and Composers B
(Semester 2)
WXC-2232 or WXK-2232 The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2232 Cerddorfaeth Heddiw
(Semester 1)
WXK-2232 Orchestration Today
(Semester 1)
WXC-2303 or WXM-2303 The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2303 Genres a Chyfansoddwyr A
(Semester 1)
WXM-2303 Genres and Composers A
(Semester 1)
Year 3 Modules
Study Placement: Re-sit modules
Please note that students only
need to do one of these modules if they do not pass the
requisite 15 亚洲色吧 credits per semester during a year
abroad placement. If a student fails to pass 15 亚洲色吧
credits in a single semester, then they need to do LXE-9015.
If a student fails to pass 15 亚洲色吧 credits in a both
semesters, then they need to do LXE-9030.
LXE-9030 Placement Abroad 1 Year (Alt)
(Full Term)
LXE-9015 Placement Abroad 1 Sem (Alt)
(Full Term)
Work Placement / British Council
Assistantship Students may search for a work placement
in the relevant country, to be approved by the Department.
In addition, with the support of the Department, students
can apply to work as English language assistants in the
relevant country via the British Council. They have to
complete the following modules: LXE-9006: Work Placement
Abroad 1 Semester (semester 1 or 2) [15 credits] LXE-9007:
Work Placement Abroad 1 Year (semesters 1 and 2) [30
credits]They have to complete the following modules:
LXE-9007 Placement Abroad 1 Year
(Full Term)
LXE-9006 Placement Abroad 1 Semester
(Full Term)
Year 4 Modules
Compulsory Modules
40 credits from:
- LZC-3040: Advance Chinese Lang Skills (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
- LZF-3040: French Lang. Skills (3 Major) (40) (Semester 1 + 2) or
LCF-3040: Sgiliau Iaith Ffrang. -3 Iaith (40) (Semester 1 + 2) - LZG-3040: Gegenwartssprache II (3 Major) (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
- LZI-3040: Italian Language 2 (3 Major) (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
- LZS-3040: Spanish Language 2 (3 Major) (40) (Semester 1 + 2) or
LCS-3040: Iaith Sbaeneg 2 (3 Iaith) (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
0 to 40 credits from:
- WXM-3277: Musicology Project (40) (Semester 1 + 2) or
WXC-3277: Project Cerddoreg (40) (Semester 1 + 2) - WXM-3283: Practical Musicology Project (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
- WXK-3289: Composition Project (40) (Semester 1 + 2) or
WXC-3289: Cyfansoddi (project) (40) (Semester 1 + 2) - WXP-3298: Solo Performance Project (40) (Semester 1 + 2) or
WXC-3298: Project Perfformio Unawdol (40) (Semester 1 + 2) - SPECIAL PROJECTS: Students must choose at least ONE Project, either in Music or in other subject. Students are welcome to choose more than one project: one in each school
Optional Modules
20 credits from:
- LXS-3018: Reading Contemporary Galician (20) (Semester 1)
- LXI-3023: The Other Italies (20) (Semester 1)
- LXS-3034: Spain through its Writers (20) (Semester 2)
- LXE-3101: Approaching Translation (10) (Semester 2) or
LCE-3101: Trin a Thrafod Cyfieithu (10) (Semester 2) - LXE-3103: Wales: A European Contact Zone (20) (Semester 1)
- LXE-3200: Press Dossier (20) (20) (Semester 1 + 2) or
LCE-3200: Astudio'r Cyfryngau (20) (Semester 1 + 2) - LXC-3300: Key topics in Chinese Studies (20) (Semester 1 + 2)
- LXE-3400: Joint Hons Diss (English) (10) (Semester 1 + 2) or
LCE-3400: Traethawd Hir Cyd-A (Cym) (10) (Semester 1 + 2) - LXE-3444: Joint Hons Diss (Target Lang) (10) (Semester 1 + 2)
20 to 60 credits from:
- WXP-3111: Ensembles and Groups B (20) (Semester 1)
- WXM-3205: Practical musicology (20) (Semester 2)
- WXK-3235: Acousmatic Composition (20) (Semester 1)
- WXM-3270: Music Teaching in Context (20) (Semester 2)
- WXM-3305: Genres and Composers C (20) (Semester 1) or
WXC-3305: Genres a Chyfansoddwyr C (20) (Semester 1) - WXM-3306: Genres and Composers D (20) (Semester 2)
- WXM-3311: Community Arts Placement (20) (Semester 1) or
WXC-3311: Lleoliad Cymunedol Celfyddodol (20) (Semester 1)