Module QXP-1001:
Creative Writing: Fact and Fic
Cyflwyniad i Ysgrifennu Creadigol: Rhyddiaith 2024-25
Ysgol Iaith, Diwylliant a'r Celfyddydau
Modiwl - Semester 1 a 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Fiona Cameron
This module introduces you to a wide range of creative prose-writing, both fictional and non-fictional, and you will examine creative techniques used in short stories, travel writing, memoir, autobiography and literary reviews. It will include practical sessions in which students will begin to produce their own work in these genres, and group discussion of students’ work in progress. As well as examining, from the practitioner's point of view, texts by leading authors and critics, you will be encouraged to work independently on your own material, helped by writing exercises and longer-term assignments designed to stimulate ideas and sharpen technique. You will be encouraged to present your work for class discussion and, by receiving and giving feedback in a supportive atmosphere, you will develop your skills as a close reader and an articulate critic.
The first semester will focus on fiction (the short story), while the second semester will focus on creative non-fiction (travel writing, memoir, autobiography, portrait/biography, and literary reviews).
Assessment Strategy
Excellent: Typically, work graded A- to A** (or 70 to 100) will show many of the following qualities: • Excellent levels of originality, vision and depth; striking and thorough engagement with ideas. • Excellent understanding and control of form. • Impressive linguistic control and/or innovation. • Sophisticated understanding of the creative process and assured control of decisions made in writing. • Dynamic work.
Good: Typically, work graded B- to B+ (or 60 to 69) will show many of the following qualities: • Demonstration of a degree of vitality and originality. • Very good understanding of generic conventions; sound use of structures and forms. • Resourceful use of language. • Sound understanding of the creative process and thoughtful control of decisions made in writing. • Very good work.
Satisfactory: Typically, work graded C- to C+ (or 50 to 59) will show many of the following qualities: • Some attempt at serious exploration of ideas. • Some link between themes and form. Good attempt to engage with form, but this may not be entirely sustained. • Use of language technically proficient, but not always focused. • Some awareness of the creative process and of decisions made in writing. • Good work, but its strengths need to be more fully sustained.
Threshold: Typically, work graded D- to D+ (or 40-49) will show many of the following qualities: • Limited engagement with ideas. • Link between themes and form not always clear. • Limited sense of formal conventions. Inconsistent with regard to linguistic technicalities. • Limited awareness of redrafting and editing process.
Learning Outcomes
- An awareness of the importance of revision and editing in bringing your work to a near-professional standard.
- Knowledge of a broad range of imaginative literature.
- Knowledge of fiction (short story) and non-fiction writing techniques.
- The ability to write concise, expressive, grammatical English.
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Portfolio 2 Portfolio of 1500 words non-fiction and a 500 word reflective commentary.
Due date
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Portfolio 1 Portfolio of 1500 words (1 or 2 short stories) and a 500 word reflective commentary.
Due date