Module QXE-4019:
Creative Writing: Poetry
Creative Writing: Poetry 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 1
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Zoe Skoulding
This module provides a grounding in the techniques of creative writing, with a focus on the diversity of approaches to be found in contemporary poetry.
Through seminars and individual tutorials and/or workshops you will learn how to develop an idea, carry out the necessary research, select an appropriate poetic form and style, and construct a piece of writing suitable for its intended audience. You will learn how to sustain your writing practice in the long term, beyond the module, by gaining skill in reflecting critically on your own writing, and in revising and editing as required. You will also be introduced to the work of other poets, and will learn how to appreciate the cultural and literary context in which their poetry is produced and received. By the end of the module you will have written and edited a number of poems and will understand how they relate to the wider world of contemporary poetry. The portfolio and essay together (see below) will demonstrate that Learning Outcomes from Aims 1-4 have been met.
Seminar topics:
Weekly topics are subject to change, but could include:
Week 1 - Introduction & Prose Poetry
Week 2 - Lyric and Voice: Who is Speaking?
Week 3 - Form and Process
Week 4 - Translation and Rewriting
Week 5 - Found Text
Week 6 - Reading Week
Week 7 - Bodies and Space
Week 8 - Spoken/Sounded
Week 9 - Student presentations - Reading as a Writer
Week 10 - Student presentations - Reading as a Writer
Week 11 - The Reflective Essay
Week 12 - Individual meetings
Assessment Strategy
Assessment criteria:
70% and above
Typically, the work of a candidate reaching Distinction will show many of the following qualities:
Excellent levels of originality, vision and depth; striking and thorough engagement with ideas. Excellent understanding and control of form and technique. Impressive linguistic control and/or innovation. Sophisticated critical understanding of the creative process and confident ability to conceptualise approaches to writing. Dynamic work.
A candidate鈥檚 work reaching Merit will show many of the following qualities:
Demonstration of vitality and originality; sustained engagement with ideas. Very good understanding of generic conventions; sound use of structures, forms and technique. Resourceful and imaginative use of language. Clear critical understanding of the creative process and ability to think conceptually about decisions made in writing. Very good work.
A Pass candidate鈥檚 work will show many of the following qualities:
Original and interesting work with an attempt at serious exploration of ideas. Clear link between themes and form. Technically proficient and well-focused use of language. Sound critical understanding of the creative process and of decisions made in writing. Generally good work.
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to plan, execute and conceptualize a creative project, drawing on knowledge of the processes and techniques of poetry.
- Confidence in engaging constructively with the perspectives of others, whether peers or established practitioners.
- Critical evaluation of the relationship between a literary work and its social and cultural contexts, combined with the ability to apply this to own work.
- Critical evaluation of poetic form and the relationship of theory to practice.
Assessment method
Assessment type
portfolio of work containing 12 pages of poetry (the final composition of the portfolio will be a matter of negotiation between student and tutor), accompanied by a reflective essay of 1,000 words on writing practice, demonstrating an awareness of the literary context of the creative work. The essay must be double spaced and footnoted according to MHRA guidelines. It must be accompanied by a bibliography, which does not contribute towards the word count. It should reflect reading in contemporary poetry and an awareness of the choices made as a writer. An overall mark is awarded for the two elements together, since they should show complementary aspects of the student鈥檚 response to the module as a whole.
Due date