Modules for course IN00 | BSC/CISB
BSc Computer Information Systems for Business
Year 1 Modules
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
ICE-1001 Professional Perspectives
(Full Term)
ICE-1601 Database Systems
(Full Term)
ICE-1111 Imperative Programming Foundat
(Semester 1)
ICE-1121 Python Programming
(Semester 2)
ICE-1411 Web Technologies
(Semester 2)
Business Module Options Semester 1
Choose maximum of 20
ASB-1005 Princ of Mgmnt & Organisation
(Semester 1)
ASB-1605 Foundations of Marketing
(Semester 1)
ASB-1502 Personal Finance and Banking
(Semester 1)
ASB-1120 Principles of Financial Accoun
(Semester 1)
ASB-1114 or ADB-1114 The student may not take more than 1
ADB-1114 Dulliau Dadansoddi Busnes
(Semester 1)
ASB-1114 Business Analytics
(Semester 1)
Business Module Options Semester 2
The student must take a maximum of
20 credits from the modules.
ASB-1004 Discover Economics
(Semester 2)
ASB-1121 Principles of Management Accou
(Semester 2)
ASB-1007 CMI in Ethics, Sust, HRM, Tour
(Semester 2)
Year 2 Modules
ICE-2002 Industrial Projects
(Full Term)
ICE-2801 System Admin & Mainte
(Full Term)
ICE-2702 Applied Data Science ft Python
(Full Term)
ICE-2102 Application Development
(Full Term)
Business Options The student must take 40 credits from
the modules.
ASB-2018 Op strat across the enterprise
(Semester 1)
ASB-2019 Business Information Systems
(Semester 1)
ASB-2513 Financial Reporting
(Semester 1)
ASB-2602 Services and Experiential MKT
(Semester 1)
ASB-2533 Brand and Retail Management
(Semester 1)
ASB-2209 Corporate Finance
(Semester 1)
ASB-2518 Strategic Management Accountin
(Semester 2)
ASB-2603 Marketing Research and CRM
(Semester 2)
ASB-2405 Law for Business
(Semester 2)
ASB-2522 Investment & Portfolio Mgmnt
(Semester 2)
ASB-2116 Consumer Behaviour
(Semester 2)
Year 3 Modules
ICE-3601 Advanced Data Management
(Full Term)
ICE-3401 Computer & Network Security
(Semester 1)
ICE-3901 Summer Placement
(Semester 2)
Business Options The student must take 40 credits from
the modules.
ASB-3122 Intl Business Competency
(Semester 1)
ASB-3007 International Strategic MKT
(Semester 1)
ASB-3152 Ent, Creativity & Innov
(Semester 1)
ASB-3006 Marketing and Society
(Semester 1)
ASB-3010 Financial Technology
(Semester 2)
ASB-3009 Strategic Management
(Semester 2)