Modules for course I103 | BSC/CSGD
BSc Computer Science with Game Design
Year 1 Modules
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
ICE-1001 Professional Perspectives
(Full Term)
ICE-1221 Mathematics for Computing
(Full Term)
ICE-1800 Game Studies
(Semester 1)
ICE-1111 Imperative Programming Foundat
(Semester 1)
ICE-1801 Game Design 1
(Semester 2)
ICE-1101 Object Oriented Programming
(Semester 2)
ICE-1411 Web Technologies
(Semester 2)
Year 2 Modules
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
ICE-2002 Industrial Projects
(Full Term)
ICE-2101 Business & Enterprise Prog
(Full Term)
ICE-2201 Data Structures & Algorithms
(Semester 1)
ICE-2703 Game Design: Level & Mechanics
(Semester 1)
ICE-2701 AI & Game Design
(Semester 2)
ICE-2704 Game Development
(Semester 2)
Year 3 Modules
The student must take a minimum of 120
credits from the modules.
ICE-3702 Advanced Game Development
(Semester 1)
UXS-3800 Game Design 3
(Semester 1)
UXS-3801 Game Production
(Semester 2)
ICE-3901 Summer Placement
(Semester 2)
ICE-3121 Creative Visualisation
(Semester 2)