Canolfan Bedwyr in the Community
Staff members at Cylch Meithrin Seiont a Pheblig in Caernarfon received certificates recently, after they had completed a bespoke language improvement course designed and delivered by tutors from ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É’s Canolfan Bedwyr.
Members of Cylch Meithrin Seiont a Pheblig with (L-R) Delyth Murphy, Prof Jerry Hunter and Elen DaviesThe course improved the members’ confidence in their use of Welsh through informal learning sessions led by Elen Davies, Language Tutor at Canolfan Bedwyr.
The area is designated a Communities First area by the Welsh Government. However, the Welsh language is strong there with about 86% of the population able to speak the language according to the 2011 Census. As a result, the language is seen as a means of improving opportunities and prospects for those living and working in the area.
Karen Evans, Leader of Cylch Meithrin Seiont a Pheblig, said:
‘The course has allowed us to improve our own language skills and has given us the confidence to share what we’ve learnt with the children who attend the Cylch Meithrin. We’re fortunate and grateful to have an university on our doorstep and that their expertise is shared with the community in such a way as this.’
Professor Jerry Hunter, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Welsh Medium and Civic Engagement), presented the certificates to the Cylch Meithrin staff members. He said:
‘We at ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É are thrilled to be working with local partners and cherish every opportunity to use the University’s resources in order to help strengthen the Welsh language and to help with the education of children and young people of every age in our local communities. Our staff in Canolfan Bedwyr have greatly enjoyed working with the staff of the Cylch Meithrin and I personally hope that this relationship will continue.’
The course was sponsored by the University’s Widening Access Centre.
Publication date: 1 July 2016