Students who are attending summer pre-sessional courses run by ELCOS (English Language Course for Overseas Students) will be invited to make an application to live in University accommodation once they have accepted the offer to study on the course and paid their deposit to the University. The Halls Office will email all these students with an application form. The form MUST be completed and returned as quickly as possible so that accommodation may be reserved.
If students are then remaining in 亚洲色吧 for the following academic year and require University accommodation they must make an additional application to the Halls Office in the normal manner. It is highly unlikely that students will be allocated the same room that they have used while on the ELCOS pre-sessional course.
Students who fail to make an application for a room or students who are unsuccessful with their application will be expected to look for rooms in the private sector. The University has a dedicated student housing office which can help you look for accommodation in the private sector.